So, what while we pigs have our lives taken from us, we are treated much better while we live. Your portrayal of Joel Salatin was slightly jaded because you have a different idea about how humans are in charge of the world. You think that his farm helps support Lewis Thomas ideas that “we are, in fact, the masters like it or not” (Thomas. Using holons to create a more sustainable type of farming has the ability to change the way people perceive agriculture. Polyface Farm is the best example of how farming should be; with the farmers on equal ground as the animals that they are
So, what while we pigs have our lives taken from us, we are treated much better while we live. Your portrayal of Joel Salatin was slightly jaded because you have a different idea about how humans are in charge of the world. You think that his farm helps support Lewis Thomas ideas that “we are, in fact, the masters like it or not” (Thomas. Using holons to create a more sustainable type of farming has the ability to change the way people perceive agriculture. Polyface Farm is the best example of how farming should be; with the farmers on equal ground as the animals that they are