The book is about mainly farm animals and livestock, and how they are being mistreated. The goal is to try and implement practical methods of humanizing the wellbeing of these animals. The information in this book was intended to bring scientific research and practical application together. The print goes thoroughly over the housing of farm animals, management and transport, slaughter, and welfare improvement strategies just to name a few key points. It is more specific to farm animals; however, it could also be taken into account when discussing …show more content…
However, this book helped me realize that there is much more going on in the agricultural livestock industry, and steps should be taken to treat the animals more humanely. They deserve to be more comfortable and be treated with respect, as they are incredibly important to us for survival. In addition to the book, I viewed an online video of a drone flying over a pig farm, and noticed how inhumanely those pigs were being treated. They were living and breathing in their own waste, because the farmers would pile it all together collectively where the pigs were living. I would think of a better way to house the pigs, and also get rid of their waste in a different way where it would not be around them. They should be living comfortably, not