29 February 2013
Movies vs. Books Some people prefer watching a movie rather then read a book. The reason this is true is because movies don’t take any effort and usually last a few hours, where a book takes much focus and could take up to weeks to complete. Many people don’t know many of the similarities and differences between both book and movies.
Some similarities between books and movies is the fact that both books and movies usually have similar themes. Another similarities between the two is how both books and movies contain a protagonist and an antagonist. Both books and movies also try to direct it to a certain group of readers or viewers.
Differences between books and movies is the fact that movies range from an hour to a few hours. Reading a book can take a whole day to a few weeks to fully read and understand. Another difference between a book and a movie is the fact that when someone reads a book, he has the ability to imagine the scenes of the book in his head making it more entertaining. In a movie, all of the scenes are already displayed, taking away the ability to image how a scene may look.
This essay just lists a few of the many similarities and differences between reading a book and watching a movie. It is up to an individual to determine which path he wants to take in deciding which is better, watching a movie about something, or reading a book about the same subject.