Lovejoy High School 2013 Summer Required Reading Assignment
The Big Question: To what degree can one person make a difference? i ter En ng e rad hG 9t
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Writing Assignment Due the FIRST DAY of School! Carefully read the details on the back.
by Mrs. R. Hunter-‐Graham aka Mrs. HG
Lovejoy High School 2013 Required Summer Reading List
Summer Reading Writing Assignment - Grades 9-12
TitlesRow 1: 9th Grade ~ Row 2: 10th Grade ~ Row 3: 11th Grade ~ Row 4: 12th Grade as it appears on the letter/ coversheet
Select the assignment(s)/activity(ies) based on your UPCOMING grade-level and the English course you will take!!
SE : UR IONS O C CT Standard Course – Choose at least 1 novel and 1 Activity RU ST Gifted/Honors Course – Choose at least 2 novels and 2 Activities (min. 1 activity per selection) IN AP/IB Course – Choose at least 2 novels from any grade level and 3 Activities (min. 1 activity per selection)
You will be expected to submit your work to your English teacher on the first day of school, August 12, 2013. Work not turned in on the first day will receive a 10 point deduction from your grade for each day it is late. [Each activity must be 2-3 pages - preferably typed; 12 point Times font; 1.5 spacing] Activity 1: Interview: Write the transcript of an interview with the main character (protagonist), a supporting character or antagonist, and an interviewer. The interviewer can be you, or a real-life talk show host (Oprah, Tyra, Jon Stewart, Andy Cohen, Ellen Degeneres, Jay Leno, Maury, Wendy Williams) or another fictional character. Be sure your discussion includes some of the conflicts the characters face and some of the events that occur throughout the story. Activity 2: Persona: Imagine you