A married client complained, “My twenty year marriage isn’t working out because I’m more spiritual than my husband.” Another client moaned, “I’m Christian and she’s Jewish, you can understand why that won’t work out.” Ta-da and the most popular statement is “I will only date a spiritual man.”
There are dating sites for: Christian, Jews, Muslims, Hindis, people into spirituality, and more. Are relationships better if each partner has the same spiritual or religious beliefs? Yes and no, it depends on each individual partnership. Life is easier when both of you celebrate the same holidays and have similar beliefs in a Higher Source; however, that’s only a tiny part of what makes a compatible relationship.
How about a woman who will only date a spiritual man, is she helping or hindering her chances of finding “the one?” Sure, there are couples who are both into …show more content…
Just because someone is into the same spirituality as you doesn’t mean they are right for you.
What about the belief my male client that his partner had to also be a Christian? To some religious people that is a must; nevertheless, it doesn’t guarantee a lifelong marriage. My response to him was, “I personally know a couple where the woman is Jewish and her husband is Catholic, they’re in a harmonious marriage.” By the way, they have been married for over three decades now, which is evidence that mixed religious households can work.
Let’s look at when one spouse is more spiritual than the other. Often when a couple marries young they do outgrow one another as was the case with my client. This is not easy for either partner, as one wants you to stay the same, while the other one desires for you to grow. Sometimes these marriages work out, while other times they