Hardin use an analogy, supplemented by appeal to both logos and pathos, to make his argument. The author describes a lifeboat with limited spots to demonstrate the need for foreign aid. Hardin effectively uses pathos in the passage to appeal to the reader’s sense of responsibility. He makes the reader feel guilty for choosing one person and not the other person. In the analogy that the author makes about the lifeboat, he also uses logos to appeal to the reader’s sense logic. He states that “[c]omplete justice, complete catastrophe” (Hardin 543). Complete justice would be to let everyone on the boat, however, letting everyone on the boat will lead to complete catastrophe because the boat will sink if too many people are on the boat. This appeal…
" With all my heart I would praise and laud this beautiful and artistic gift of God, the free art of music, for I find that the same hath much and great usefulness, and is therefore a splendid and noble art, so that I know not where to begin or cease to praise it."…
Charles Schmid, the serial killer that Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? was based on, would try to look like Elvis Presley to lure girls to him. Music is a motif that shows up in the story multiple times. Joyce Carol Oates uses music to show Connie’s comfort, emotion, and the bait that lured Connie to Arnold. First of all, Oates uses it to show when Connie feels comfortable. For example, “... the music was always in the background, like music at a church service, it was something to depend on.”…
In his article “Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor,” Garret Hardin argues that rich nations should not help poor nations by providing limited resources. He presents that the rich nations are morally obligated to protect their limited because sharing will only lead to catastrophe, squander and overloading the environment. He claims that poor nations should learn from the “hard way” independently and control the population by the crude way if they want to manage their poverty. Hardin, on the other hand, doesn’t completely negate that rich nations shouldn’t help poor nations, but they should provide technical support instead of material support. His arguments include the limited natural resources, tragedy of commons, no true world government to control reproduction and the use of available resources. We should take actions according to the ethics of lifeboat.…
AleAle, . " “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato ." AleAle 's blog. BBC, 2 Mar 2013. Web. 29 Jul. 2013.…
I was longing for something to fill that void in my heart. I had no authority figure or parents who were around to care for me. I was slowly slipping into the palm of the devil’s hand. I started hanging with the wrong crowd; I became a bully and thief at the age of 10. I came to the conclusion that in this life I had no future and no one cared if I lived or died. I spent most of my days running from my problems and trying to make others feel the same pain I felt. Day to day I saw my father spiral farther and farther into a dark hole. I remember this one moment where everything changed. It was the day I met Bailey Welch. I stumbled upon her on one hot summer night. I was walking past the local YMCA when I heard the screeching of shoes and the…
I had a vast amount of friends, majority of my school knew me, being accepted into AVID, people knew my religious personality, and accepted my disposition, and I had a sense of belonging. Realizing where my heart resided, I discovered what my passions were. For the first time, I had felt like I understood where I was headed with my life; with my faith by my side. Extracurricular activities, core classes, sports, church, and social life were also aspects that seemed to roam flawlessly in my fairytale. My entire being, my soul, was completely intact with my world and the essence of happiness seemed to embrace me. There was no way to…
All the scriptures listed above have one thing in common, which is the emotions that are brought out in the people that are listening to the music. There are many reasons that someone would listen to music, such as, the great benefits of listening to music, learning to play music can be rewarding as well. The mental discipline that is required to learn to play an instrument with skill is not something everyone has or can learn. Certain types of music, such as the Psalms, were composed with detail and composed as poetry and has attention to organization. The creation of music was intended by God to be a powerful and positive tool which we learn from the examples in the Bible that were written and composed as the music we know today. When I attend…
Having been raised in a community where music, sounds and vibrations were and still are part of our lives have enabled me to use these methods for rebalancing energies in my body causing it to re-center finding peace from within. This is what “gospel” music does for me. It reaches deep inside my soul, transforming my spirit and healing my sadness in times of need. It truly makes me feel closer to my creator.…
To conclude, this saint has opened my eyes on the importance of music. With a clear mind of positivity…
Two weeks later, my family and I were invited to attend a church in Greenville called NewSpring. I had not been to church in months, and I didn’t have a reason not to go, so we went. As I sat through the sermon, I was completely blown away. The preacher talked about the things I had heard all growing up, but in a way I had never thought of till that moment. He spoke of a man who left a place of glory and perfection, a place with no tears, no pain or suffering, and died on a cross to pay for the things that I had done. I was speechless. From that moment on, I knew what I could hope for. I had hope that there is a place that I will one day be in that is much better than this world will ever be. I knew at that moment that the hope I knew about was going to change my life forever. It was real hope.…
1. The song, “Here Without You” by 3 Doors Down came to have a very significant meaning to me this past September, after my grandmother passed away. The day she died, and a few days after I remained seemingly unaffected and went on with my usual routine of work and partying, I spoke of it to my friends casually, and when they offered support I replied indifferently “it’s all good, that’s what happens”. It wasn’t until about a week later, on the morning of her rosary that I finally broke down. When I woke up that morning I knew it was coming, and told my mom to go ahead without me; that I’d meet her there, not willing to allow her to see me in a moment of weakness. When she left, I set the song on repeat, and let the sadness engulf me. The masquerade was over. As the tears rolled down my face, the sadness quickly turned to anger and guilt. My grandma died alone, in a nursing home, with nobody by her side to comfort her as the last bit of life left her frail, broken body. Memories of her taking care of me when I was young flooded my brain. Her tender, loving hands bathing me, cooking for me, rubbing all my pain away. It was no longer anger I felt, but rage. Unable to take it anymore, I grabbed my keys and headed off, driving like a maniac. The stereo was so loud I wouldn’t have heard if there was a siren going off right next to me. The tears continued to flow, blurring my vision. The music continued to blast, impairing my hearing. As I got onto the freeway I quickly passed the 100mph mark on my speedometer. Weaving through traffic, cutting people off, so consumed with rage and self-loathing to care how many people I endangered. Miraculously I got to the chapel unharmed. I parked and watched as people I hadn’t seen in years walk in to “pay their respects”.…
I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and begin to sing the notes on the page. The music engulfs me and allows me to escape the challenges around me. My heart is open, expressing the powerful words of the song. I look out into the audience and see a man with tears in his eyes. In that moment, we formed a connection through music. I experience a similar connection when conversing with patients. It has become clear to me that music and medicine have many parallels, and music has led me to realize my dream of becoming a physician.…
Music has always been a part of us ever since the begging of time. It’s been with us threw the happy, great times and also for the not so happy bad times. We can express ourselves with music by telling a story with in the lyrics and even with the beat showing, telling how we are feeling. It can be a cheerful, carefree, joyful beat, to gloomy, mournful, blue beat, but not everyone has the same taste in music. Music it’s self is unbelievably stunning and so breathtaking.…
Music is the language of our souls; it allows us to feel many emotions that can be shared with those around you. According to Pastor Fuller, "Music changes your soul and balances your consciousness." I agree solemnly with this statement that your soul can be balanced through the sound of music. Pastor Fuller’s sermon began with asking the audience what emotions you feel when building creations through music. I thought that was a great attention grabber, because it allowed the audience to be involved with the message of the day. After the audience’s interaction to the question, Pastor Fuller went into a song, called “When Long Before Time”, which explains the meaning of us as creation of Gods music through our common interest of embracing God's love. The song was very interesting to hear and fun to sing along with everyone who was there in church. The rest of his sermon related to the theme of music is joyful unto the lord. I feel that Pastor Fuller failed to affect me in his sermon because his transitions of the topics he talked about were weak. His transitions seemed to blur together and I had a hard time following his sermon. The only thing that interested me was the use of music and songs during the sermon.…