Examples of legislation and codes of practice are; Children Act (2004): Every Child Matters provided the legal underpinning for the Every Child Matters: Change for Children programme. “Well-being” is the term used in the act to define outcomes, which are being healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being. Other examples include Code of Professional Practice (2008) introduced by the Institute of Learning to cover the activities of teachers in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Copyright Designs and Patents Act (1988) relate to the copying, adapting and distributing of material, which includes computer programs and martial found via the internet. Data Protection Act (1988 amended 2003) made provision for the regulation of the processing of information relating to individuals, including the obtaining, holding, use or disclosure of such information. Disability Discrimination Act (1995 amended 2005) required that all learners must be given necessary adaptations to allow them to fully participate in their learning. Education and Skills Act (2008) aimed to increase participation in learning for young people and adults. Equality Act (2006 and 2010) aims to eliminate discrimination, reduce inequality, protect human rights and to build good relations.
Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles
Professionalism requires us to maintain appropriate standards and fulfil our responsibilities to learners, institutions and colleagues (Francis and Gould, 2009:10). This is achieved by setting professional and personal boundaries which will enable us to be clear about what our limits are and what our professional role involves.
Professional boundaries
Professional boundaries could include: lack of resources e.g. broken or faulty equipment