Life time learning means constantly updating your knowledge, skills and abilities from school years to post retirement to develops your knowledge and competencies, and help you adapt to ever changing environment. Lifetime learning helps us adapt to changing world and environment. Lifelong learning is influenced by one’s ability, eagerness and motivation to learn new thing, may it be educational learning, learning related to career progress or learning from his/her own experiences, environment and people around. Lifetime learning also depends on one’s ability to fund his/her education and inclination towards active participation in social, economic and personal events. Few important benefits of lifetime learning are:
1. Expansion of mind:
Lifetime learning creates a curious and hungry mind. It opens our mind which helps us adapt to ever changing environment and develops our natural abilities. People tend to explore into various fields of knowledge like politics, current affairs, fashion etc. It makes you wiser person. It helps …show more content…
The whole give- and- take of ideas opens our minds and bring us enlightenment. I personally feel it’s nothing like listening to or taking part in discussions, which enhance our knowledge and makes us learn more about various issues. All this boosts your self esteem and makes you and your family members proud. An active participation in discussions makes you learn more and more and keeps up your momentum to learn and learn more. Healthy interaction helps open your mind to new issues and areas of knowledge. A lifetime learner makes active contribution to society by sharing his/her thoughts, spreading awareness which affects the thought process of many people around. A healthy interaction helps us make new friends and establish valuable relationships. This contributes to making the world a better place to