LING 115
Week 1:
Jan. 11 Introduction: Topics and Assignments. The syllabus. What we can tell about a person by the way s/he speaks. Jan. 13 What is a language?
Readings: Bonvillain, Chaps. 1 & 2 (pp. 7-17) (handout #2)
Some key terms: cultural, social, situational meaning; language; phonetics; the vocal apparatus; the vocal cords; voiced-voiceless sounds; place of articulation; stress or accent; pitch or tone; morphology; morpheme (singular-plural, tense).
Assignment # 1: Essay on “what can the way a person speaks tell us about that person?” (due 1/18 at lecture time).
Week 2:
Jan. 18 The structure of language. [Assign. 1 (essay) due today at lecture time] Some key terms: syntax: subject, verb, object; language types; semantics (”Colorless green ideas…”); pragmatics.
Jan. 20 Language structure analysis. Language, Culture, and Cognition. (hdt. #3.0 & 3.01)
Readings: Bonvillain, Chaps. 2-cont. (pp. 22-27, 37-39) & 3 (pp. 41-63)
Some key terms: Sapir-Whorf hypothesis; semantic or vocabulary domain; color language and color cognition; lexical classifications and ethnoscientific domains; focal meaning and fuzzy membership; cultural presupposition; metaphor, metonymy; metaphors of kinship, other metaphors; proverbs.
Week 3
Jan. 25 Language, Culture, and Cognition. (Hdt. 3.1, 3.2- metaphors & new words) “Metaphors We Live By”.
Readings: Bonvillain, Ch. 3 (pp. 64-71) Jan. 27 Language and Culture: New Words in American English. Readings: Handouts: “Dictionary adds terms like chick flicks”; “Blog-blogger explained” “Words banned,” newspaper article. Project Explained: Profile of an ethno-linguistic group in the Los Angeles area. CHEM 105B
Chapter 13 – 7 hours
Chapter 14 – 7 hours