|Zhavion Pedersen-Bailey |
|What is a Business Plan? |How To Use This Template |
|Business plans are used by businesses of all sizes to state their objectives and describe how they will| |
|be achieved over a specific period of time. In particular, your business plan should say: |This business plan template is to help you apply to the |
| |Summer Company program. It’s important that you read the |
|What product or service your business will provide |program guidelines before you start filling it in. |
|How you will market your product or service to gain customers | |
|How it will operate, where it will be located and what geographic regions it will serve |Be sure to: |
|What your start-up costs, monthly expenses, sales forecast and expected profits are | |
|The risks associated with your business and your plan to manage them. |Address the points in each box that are relevant to your |
| |business. |
|Why do you