Why did you pick this actor?
I picked this actor because I thought her scene was very funny and she came across as very genuine.
Was the actor relaxed? Was she focused? Was her concentration strong, or did she seem to go in and out of concentration? Please explain your thoughts.
The actor did not seem very relaxed, but this is because her character, Lisa, is a very high strung person. She was very focused and never seemed to miss her lines or step out of character. She was obviously concentrating through her scene because she never fell out of character. This was especially impressive when she brought the tall set of stairs on stage. She had no lines when she was doing this but she seemed very focused on finding something to place on stage and it did not come across as contrived at all.
Was her …show more content…
She did not have a partner on stage, but she seemed to be naturally listening to those she went up to in the audience.
Did she have an objective? Did she pursue it fully or are there moments when you weren't clear about what she was doing? Was her work specific or general? Describe.
Her main objective seemed to be to share her experiences as a Vietnamese student in America so people could learn from these experiences. She was very specific in this endeavor because it clearly seemed so important for her to explain. It was always very clear that she believed it was important to share her experiences, which made it important to the audience as well.
Did she make choices regarding individual beats and actions? Give examples.
She made very clear choices regarding her beats and actions. When she was playing herself, she demonstrated what her life in Vietnam was like. When she played her character from Tea, she lamented for her daughter in a very touching way.
What about her voice—did it change and modulate? Did it appear to be relaxed and natural? Give at least one