I have attached an example of a literature review done in APA formatting to this e-mail. Please not the Introduction, statement of problem, purpose, and research questions are not included in this example. Please review the notes below:
Introduction should be the first header
-It should give a clear overview of the paper and demonstrate the importance of the topic.
Example of a detailed introduction with research questions and purpose statement:
“I like to learn something about owls…I’ve never seen one of these books like…this one,” responded Erica, an early reader, after reading a nonfiction book about owls. Her response illustrates that she learned to read while she was reading to learn from nonfiction text. Her response suggests that nonfiction seemed “new” to her.
Young children can speak (Clay, 1991; Genishi & Dyson 1984; Heath, 1983; Lindfors; 1987) read (Pappas, 1991) and write (Bissex, 1980; Chapman, 1995; Newkirk 1987; Purcell-Gates, 1996) a variety of genres. Traditionally it has been thought that children should learn to read before they (Chall, 1983) read to learn – an assumption implying that children should read stories or narrative texts before they can learn from nonfiction. Narrative genres hold prominence in primary classrooms, (Duke, 1999) because their language structures and patterns resemble oral language (Egan, 1988; Wells, 1986), they stimulate the imagination (Adams, 1990; Egan, 1988), and children perceive them as easier to read (Alverman & Boothby, 1982; Perry, 2001). Yet experience with nonfiction texts facilitates expertise (Chapman, 1994; Duke, 1999;Kamberelis 1999; Langer 1985; Pappas, 1991, 1993) for young children. We need to understand more about how early readers comprehend nonfiction texts to promote their developing proficiency with the genre as they are learning how to read.
The purpose of this study is to discover how early readers comprehend the content presented in nonfiction texts. The
References: should be listed in alphabetical order. I teach a writing class, so I 'm picky about correct in-text citations and how you list out your references. Your APA manual starting on page 198 pretty much lists examples of every type of source you can think of. When in doubt use Purdue Owl 's website at http://www.owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resources/560/01/