Feasibility Study of High-Speed Broadband Deployment for Medium Density Population Area in Malaysia.
Research Objective:
To investigate the most optimize solution in deploying high-speed broadband internet for an area with medium density population in Malaysia.
Research Question: 1. What is the market demand for high-speed broadband services at medium density population area? 2. What is the most suitable package to be offered for the high-speed broadband services? 3. What is the most optimize solution in-terms of technology and cost for the deployment at medium density population area? 4. Is there any new emerging technology that will replace the existing one? 5. What is the Return of Investment (ROI) for high-speed broadband service to be offered at medium density population area?
Research Title: Feasibility Study of High Speed Broadband Deployment for Medium Density Population Area in Malaysia. Ref | Title | Year | Name | Methodology | Result | Comments | 1 | Broadband Access in Korea: Experience and future Perspective | 2003 | Yong-Kyung Lee and Dongmyun Lee | 1. Research work is based on descriptive study. 2. A comparative approach was used to identify the relevant technologies suitable to be deployed. | 1. The paper previews Korea Telecom experience in deploying broadband internet access in Korea and the future technology consideration. 2. Technology comparison was presented in this paper comparing between various internet access technology such as ADSL, VDSL and FTTC/H. 3. Due to the demand growth of higher broadband speed and applications to be delivered with the internet service, this paper also covers the issue of Quality of Services (QoS) that involves proper network planning and also the demand for seamless connectivity which involves wireless/mobile internet. | 1. The study was considering the attribute factor within Korea which need to be evaluated further if were to apply in Malaysia.