Let’s look a little more at the main reasons people give for why there is litter on campus. The first reason given is laziness, they don’t feel like walking to a trashcan to throw away their garbage this is also a lack of motivation. Some think that since there is maintenance it is their job to pick up trash anyway so they are helping provide them a job. Also they let it pile up in their car or they throw it in the back of their truck and the wind blows it out of the vehicle. Another reason given for littering is the lack of available trashcans in a parking lot or other high traffic areas. As a cause of this Students, Patrons, and visitors just throw their trash in the parking lot instead of a trashcan. As Mr. Ray Gillespie has said a big problem as far as littering is from the movement of trash as its
being collected. Trash often ends up flying out the back of the Gators that are used to transport trash bags collected in between buildings and from dumpsters as they are being emptied by the garbage trucks.
My Proposal to help with the litter problem on campus is to first provide more trashcans in and around the parking lots and high trafficked areas. The trashcans should be highly visible, so bright attention grabbing colors would be preferable, so as to encourage people to use them. Another way to help with the
Bibliography: Gillespie, Ray. "Litter Problem on Campus." Personal interview. 2 Apr. 2015.