1. Title of the Concept: Establishment of Model Research and Development Farms in Punjab
2. Location: Punjab Province, Pakistan
3. Authorities responsible for:
i. Sponsoring: Government of the Punjab, Pakistan ii. Execution: PPP & Livestock & Dairy Development (L&DD),Govt. of the Punjab, Pakistan
4. Background
Punjab, being a thickly populated (in animal and human) province of Pakistan is contributing more than 60 % in agro-livestock based economic growth at national level.. Livestock & Dairy sector is the main segment of agro-economy playing a key role in providing major source of animal protein in shape of milk, meat and eggs to the consumers. In 2010-11 livestock constituted 11.5 % of the total GDP and accounted for about 55.1% of agricultural value added at the micro level. It employs approx. 35 million people in the rural areas who rely on livestock for approximately 30-40% of their income. Livestock also serves as a security against crop failure in some agricultural systems, such as arid agriculture. The contribution of the sector in annual household income in Punjab is about 38% of the total income generated from all resources. Livestock and Dairy Development Department Punjab is providing service to livestock entrepreneurs through its established institutions scattered in Punjab. The research and development component in livestock sector is being covered by establishing Livestock research experiment station having background of development starting from year 1962 on the recommendations of Food and Agriculture Commission, appointed by the Government of Pakistan, the Livestock and Dairy Development Department re-organized the structure of farms and the Directorate of Livestock Farms was created at provincial level. This Directorate was given the responsibility to improve the performance of livestock and to conduct research on problems