Living conditions during the Industrial revolution were poor and unsanitary for the poor. They lived in slums or tenements in the overcrowded industrialised cities. The poor usually died early because of these harsh living conditions because the housing carried diseases and they had a lack of access to medication. In this housing, the poor usually had a small room for a family of 8 to 10. On the contrary, the middle class and the wealthy led an ideal life living in the suburbs rather than the dirty, congested cities. For the wealthy, socially segregated neighbourhoods were introduced. The middle class and wealthy class children were sent to school to be educated in follow in their parents’ steps. …show more content…
For the deprived living was complicated and hard to survive. However, the advantaged had enough money to survive comfortably. They dominated all the levels of government because of their power and wealth. The middle class also lived comfortably with servants in all families making the industrial revolution an improvement in their living conditions. The rich had the best living conditions out of the three classes with the middle class not far behind. The poor lived revoltingly, and the modifications in their living conditions disadvantaged them instead of advantaging