NOTE: In addition to the in-chapter and end-of-chapter exercises which serve as short cases you will find the following short cases arranged by course title that can also be utilized as short cases that require the student to access the authoritative literature to address the issue presented in the case. Solutions to the cases below are available to instructors on the Weirich Accounting & Auditing Research 8e instructor website at Other excellent sources of longer and more detailed cases include the Deloitte Trueblood cases and cases provided by various other firms.…
Everyone in the world can testify to their trials and tribulations but they are exactly what morphs and shapes us into who we are. The weak succumb to the poison and destroy themselves, but the strong understand eventually that where you come from and what you have been through does not define you. It is an individual choice you make to lay down and die or stand up and make something of yourself. Kari Patterson understood that. Since she was a little girl, she represented hope for a better tomorrow. Continuous negative events in her life was like putting black food coloring in hydrogen peroxide. Tina Mabry’s one solid message to the world is, “there are always options when you think there are…
We come here today to honor the life of Laura Elizabeth Clements. Born into a new era on April 12, 2000, Laura accomplished many great things. Laura was the second child of Adam and Amy Clements, the first daughter of Adam and Amy, and the fourth child of Adam. As a child, she was a tomboy. She loved being outdoors and doing things like camping, swimming, and canoeing. She was an outgoing child. She loved hanging around other people, and she loved playing with her four siblings. Starting school at age five, Laura became a bookworm. She loved reading and writing, something that stayed with her until her death. Another thing that appeared during elementary school and stayed until her death was helping others. As a child Laura loved helping out…
In life we don’t get to select our path. What happens to us is completely out of our hands. We can’t even choose what makes us feel whole again. While happiness isn’t exactly a choice, learning to cope with adversity is a start. In the novel The Things They Carried, some men like Rat Kiley could not deal the emotions war inflicts and drove themselves insane. Likewise, the young girl knew how to handle her emotions and was able to survive the loss of her loved ones. Life isn’t always about your given circumstances, but the way you react to them. Coping is one of the few things we can still…
For me Dan Lewis's view of "life being a smorgasbord" does apply. Life's is like a food buffet with many experiences, some you may like and some you may not but that's okay because you will try them all anyway. When you look at your life you should think of where you are now, where your going and your accomplishments. An example of my life beiong a smorgasbord is when my 7-year-old twin brothers were born. They had been through multiple heart surgeries, many months in Dayton Childrens and still to this day are fully functioning. They were born with chagre syndrom. You go to bed on eday thinking everything is okay, your life is on track and it'll all be thge same tommorrow, the next day and the day after that, but then you wake up and youre…
At one time or another, everyone on this Earth will go through a challenging circumstance that they must survive. This could be as small as a bad grade on a test or having to do something you don’t want to do. But these situations can also be as big as the loss of a loved-one or even being stranded on an island. So during these times, how does one survive their Circumstance? An individual can survive any circumstance through hope, resilience, and an understanding of the importance of life.…
Everyone goes through rough patches and struggles in their lives. People go through grief, addiction, loneliness, pain and all kinds of hardships through important points in their lives. What defines most of us and makes us who we are however, are these tragic and painful moments of struggle. The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore taught me that my own struggles and obstacles shouldn’t and cannot ever bring me down. In the introduction of the novel, Wes Moore says that “…our destinies can be determined by a single stumble down the wrong path, or a tentative step down the right one.” His statement has truly spoken to my soul, to inspire me to truly never give up and to never surrender to paths that will permanently pull me down.…
Many people in the world have troubles. Lie Marguerite there are many who have troubles. Though we always get saved by our elders and without them we would be scrap metal, but like most elders, Mrs. Flower in the book “I know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” help out this troubled person by teaching her 3 lessons about way of life.…
We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of person-kind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely -Leo Buscaglia.” This quote is very special because I relate to this by giving those people gifts that were unexpected creates joy for them, when they get it so it brings hope to other people when they see kindness in this world happening right in front of them, because in the modern world there isn’t that much kindness.…
The theme in my realistic fiction fiction book Out Of My Mind is that life is tough but that doesn’t mean there won’t be good things in your life.The character in my book,Melody Brook’s has a disability.She can’t balance anything and is stuck in a pink wheelchair which doesn’t like even though it’s pink.Melody Brooks has always felt that her life is tough and that she wishes she didn’t have this disability and that everything…
"If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all." - Martin Luther King…
Even when you have a setback, don’t let it stop you from living life the way you want…
Similarly, I’ll avoid looking at the totality of circumstances, rather, I’ll strive to separate aspects of life and tackle one thing at a time to reduce my stress level and keep from getting overwhelmed. I’ll continue to stay positive, keeping in mind there are no such things as "problems", there are only "challenges"….and all "challenges" are "opportunities" for me to stretch myself outside of my comfort zone. Overcoming challenges translates to small accomplishments, which build experience and confidence while decreasing feelings of being overwhelmed and demonstrate I have the capacity to overcome anything which comes my way. This serves as further motivation to keep pressing forward. Finally, I’ll repeat my mantra to “never give…
Life is a long journey to seek happiness and great joy! Sometimes we can successfully overcome some kind of hardships in life and sometimes we are still struggling and suffering but don’t ever be despondent. No matter how hard it is, as long as you stay persistent and self determined you will overcome those obstacles.…
“No one’s life is a smooth sail; we all come into stormy weather.” This statement has more truth to it than one may think. In life, everybody reaches a rough point, a point where the light at the end of the tunnel seems dim, or even nonexistent. But overcoming this adversity is what builds character. Accepting and prevailing over life’s obstacles are what separate strong, independent-minded and forward-thinking people from those who give up and avoid their problems. Anne Moody, author of Coming of Age in Mississippi, lived a life of great struggle in which she overcame adversity with great efforts and a dedicated heart and mind.…