Student Attendance Monitoring System. Student Attendance Monitoring System is a gate pass management system with a network-based system that will monitor the presence of the student inside the campus and directly send information to their parents/guardian regarding the absence or the cutting of a class of their child/ward upon checked by the teacher on that day. This system is essential to the elementary and secondary school institution to prevent the cutting classes of the students and to inform their parents/guardian that their child/ward is really absent during that day. This will lessen the work of the school security personnel’s in checking the identity of the students and restrict the entering of the outsiders.
By (kriztopher12 | July 2012)
Attendance Monitoring Using Keycard System.Aquilan (2004) made a comparable thesis on the automation of time attendance that records the time in and time out of every employee using Key card system. It tends to eliminate the manual recording system of time and attendance and also include salary computation of each employee based on the time and attendance reports. Ramon Faloran (2005) wrote in the article “The Computer Edge of the New Employment and Opportunities “in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. He stated that computer gives you a different feeling about what is happening in the company. Business will be highly competitive and innovative because the computer provides instant information. Study by Cantoma (2004) in her thesis entitled “Computer Library System for St. James Academy” stated that, in manual system in retrieving, maintaining security and piling records take place because of the years gone by. Furthermore, these files were only kept in envelopes and folders in wooden rocks. By jakerloikzkie | Jan. 2012
Attendance Monitoring System.The implementation plan has been developed to support the strategic plan of the Attendance Monitoring System. The implementation plan will be amended and updated as new