Project Proposal Local Government in the Russian Federation
Author: Viktoria
Faculty of Public Administration Research supervisor: O.Kalugina
Moscow 2012
The “new history” of local government in Russia dates back to the beginning of the 1990s when the country embarked upon a new political and economic course leading to an open democratic society with an efficient market economy. However, even a cursory glance at the way local governments function in present-day Russia reveals their main deficiency: local government institutions are still very weak and their potential for social and economic development are extremely limited. This paper discusses some issues that seem to be relevant to the provision of local government in Russia. It addresses general as well as some region-specific questions.
The Russian Federation consists of eighty-nine member regions called subjects of the Federation.
For purposes of statistical reporting, these regions are grouped into twelve economic zones. However, these zones are likely to be replaced by the seven federal districts recently formed for purposes of political and administrative oversight Subjects of the Russian Federation include twenty-one republics, six krais, forty-nine oblasts, two federal cities, one autonomous oblast and ten autonomous districts. Despite the diversity of categories, all subjects of the Federation have equal status pursuant to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993). However, the Federative Treaty, an integral part of the Constitution, allows for bilateral agreements between the central government and member regions which grant regions
References: 1.Shirokov A., Niankin V. Segodnya, Zavtra. I Navsegda, Municipalnaya Vlast, 2000, Nos. 1-2, p. 41. 2. Ibid. p. 42. 3. Pronina L.I., O nalogovykh dokhodakh mestnykh budgetov vo vtoroi chasti Nalogovogo Kodeksa Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Finansy, 2000, No. 9, p. 22. 4 Panskov V., Municipalnye budgety v sisteme mezhbudgetnykh otnosheniy, Rossiiskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal, 1998, Nos. 11-12, p. 66. 5 Center for Fiscal Policy (Moscow) Materials. 6 Pronina L.I., O razgranichenii nalogovykh polnomochiy I uvelichenii nalogovykh dokhodov mestnykh budzhetov, Finansy, 2001, No. 5, p. 33. 7 According to legislation intra-regional intergovernmental fiscal relations are regulated by regional governments. 8 Pronina L., Sovershenstvovaniye mezhbudgetnykh otnosheniy— garantiya ukrepleniya mestnogo samoupravleniya, Finansy, 2000, No. 5.