Locke believed that people have the right to revolt against an abusive government. Having the right to stand up against an abusive government wouldn't …show more content…
Even though humans do have reasoning and passion that’s not what they are born with. The education we get, the environment we live in and what we are taught by the elders are major factors on shaping humans in good or evil. Education and social organizations also shape our worldview, for example, in the medieval era many people devoted their lives to the catholic church becoming monks and nuns and joined religious orders, so that religious organization such as the church affected their development in good or bad. One other example is of Christopher Columbus and the Spaniards. They were well-developed and resourceful, so they saw themselves as more superior than the Indians who weren’t as developed as the Spaniards. That difference in their perspective was caused by their social organizations, government and environment which led to the Spaniards thinking of themselves better than the Indians. In the movie “Lord of the Flies” Jack was reasonable when he said to Peter that we might never go home because there are probably eight million islands here. This was a reasonable assumption, but on the other hand Ralph who exemplifies Locke assured Peter that we will go home, making a more optimistic observation. When Jack and some other kids turned into wild creatures that was because …show more content…
Jack provided protection to his team, but in return took all their natural rights and made them his slaves. Jack and his team also stole the knife and piggy’s glasses not respecting Piggy’s and Ralph’s personal property which led to Piggy’s death. So, not having the right to liberty and property can lead to stealing which in turn can cause chaos and deaths. Locke likes to have rules and laws as long as people are satisfied. If protecting these basic rights mean to make rules and laws, there should be rules and regulations. Ralph wanted to make rules, for example, whoever holds the conch gets to talk. When the captain was ill Jack did not care for him. He only cared about himself, he stated that “they should care about themselves rather than some ill person”. Jack was rude, non-sequitur and selfish. He believed that people should be protected by a leader because they are selfish and brutal. He was uncaring and selfish himself, so he assumed that everybody else around him was also uncaring and selfish. Ralph did not want to harm the animals by killing them, so he found fruits to survive off, but Jack was too uncaring to think about the harm he was causing when killing and eating pigs. Ralph shared his shelter with others when there was a storm, this shows that he is