Logical Fallacies
“I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a Christian, but you don’t need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there’s something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school. As president, I’ll end Obama’s war on religion. And I’ll fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage.”
-Rick Perry; Texas Governor
Tenety, Elizabeth. "Rick Perry Ad: ‘I’ll End Obama’s War on Religion’." Washington Post.
The Washington Post, 08 Dec. 2011. Web. 30 Sept. 2012. <http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/under-god/post/rick-perry-ad-ill-end-obamas-war-on-religion/2011/12/07/gIQAAOjecO_blog.html>.
In Rick Perry’s, 2011 Ad Campaign, he uses a “Post hoc” logical fallacy appeal in order to receive the votes of the people. Once he becomes president, Perry claims that “he’ll end Obama’s war on religion, and fight against liberal attacks on (the peoples) religious heritage.” This portrays the Post hoc logical fallacy by stating an action that he aspires to accomplish and then following up with another task that he will achieve. Doing this, Perry will convince the people that he will defend not his voters but especially those of strong religious views. And for those supporters who believe that their “religious heritage” is being “attacked” then surely the people will rely on Perry to put an end to it and establish a protection system to guard their values. For those who give into the Post hoc method, surely they will have Faith in Rick Perry and he will earn their votes, opposed to