A supply chain consists of the series of activities and organisations that materials move through on their journey from initial suppliers to final customers.
Logistics is the function responsible for all aspects of the movement and storage of materials on their journey from original suppliers through to final customers.
Logistics are integral to the supply chain. They include inbound shipments, outbound shipments and communication between suppliers. Logistics management involves overseeing the key links in the supply chain, such as shipping decisions, inventory control choices and packing requirements.
2. Define logistic.
Logistics is a technical-sounding term for what is a fairly simple concept. When used in a business context, it refers to the process of ensuring the right items are in the right place at the right time. It actually originated as an aspect of military service, concerned with ensuring that essential supplies, including personnel, were procured from the right sources, and transported to the parts of the front line where they were most needed. Nowadays, although the term is still used by the military, it is much more often found in the business sense.
3. Write a brief notes on how was logistics management developed internationally. International Firms have begun to implement various strategies in order to remain competitive in world market. Logistics is one of the key areas in the process of international marketing as the delivery of goods to the buyer is as important as any other activity in business and marketing. Quite often, the most crucial part in International trade is the timely delivery of goods at a reasonable cost by the exporter to the importer. In fact, the prospective buyer may be willing to pay even higher price for timely supplies. The emergence of logistics as an integrative activity, with the movement of