Contents page*
Within these logs I will righting about 2 skills I have weakness in and one skill I am strong and confident in. I will be righting about my experiences and relating them to theory I have researched using the Organisational Behaviour 4th edition book. I will reflect and analyse the skill, then discuss an action plan for the future and how I can develop the specific skill I talk about within the logs.
Skill 1
Weak skill Verbal communication
My first skill is about how I struggle when communicating in verbal presentations. I’m confident when it comes to verbal communication in conversations or interviews. However when being in front on large audiences I find it hard to be as confident. During college I never needed to prepare my own presentation and present them. It was a new experience for me to get into groups or prepare a presentation by myself in front of my peers. I have experienced around 5 presentations now and I feel I am becoming more confident in myself and don’t get as worried when I know I have to do one. However I still feel like it’s a weakness when it comes to my skills and would like develop myself to become clear and confident when doing presentations. An example of how I no I’m doing better in this skill is that my grades have become higher. I feel I’m weak when doing presentations because I experience feeling nervous and forget to say things when I know what I’m talking about, so it comes across unprofessional and weak.
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Skill 2
Strong skill Team working and interpersonal skills
. As a group we decided to plan a Wedding, and that we would all have our own specific jobs to do within the project to bring the event together as a whole. My role in the team was Project Manager so I would have overall organisation and control of most decisions made. I found that my interpersonal skills within the group were well suited to my roll and that I handled any