∙ Residential Care
∙ Respite Care
∙ Adoption Within this report you will find many pieces of legislation that enhance the health and wellbeing of children and young people. The Paramountcy Principle (1989) The Paramountcy Principle is a piece of legislation that tells us that it is the responsibility of the parents, local authorities and the courts to protect and safeguard children. It is the duty of the court to look at the best interests of the child when making a judgement. The Paramountcy Principle was introduced to ensure that children are safe and protected from harm. The aim of the principle is to make sure that the child’s welfare is always paramount. The
Paramountcy Principle was introduced in 1989.
CSAS. (2012) Foster Care
There are many types of foster care that are available to children and young people. These include; ∙ Emergency
This is when children need somewhere to stay for a few nights. ∙ Short term This is where carers look after children and young people while plans are made for their futures. ∙ Short breaks When children who are disabled, have special needs or have behavioural difficulties regularly stay for a while with a family. This means their parents or usual foster carers can have a break. ∙ Remand When young people are remanded by a court to be looked after by a specially trained foster carer.
∙ Long term Not all children who need to permanently live away from their birth family want to be adopted, so instead they go into longterm foster care