topic, I would gather the first thoughts that popped into my head and I would start writing. Yes, in high school classes that worked but evidently not in college. That rough draft grade didn’t soak into my brain fast enough because I still didn’t think about beginning the final draft until the last day to submit. Eventually ending up with an unusual low B on the final draft, I wanted to blame it on the teacher even though it was all my fault. I didn’t want to take the responsibility for my deed of sloppiness.
While I continued to be an indolent English student, I wrote another essay that was evidence that I lost had focus in the class over time.
I received even more deductions on this paper due to mounds of mistakes that could have easily been avoided if I would have slowed down and took the time to look back over my work. I rushed the process and made multiple errors in italics, commas, passive voice, contractions, and the list goes on (Computer Science). After looking through the simple problems within my paper, I slowly began to understand that I needed to work hard to fix the issue because laziness was the reason for my dropping grades on papers. Also, I realized that college is part of life that I was going to have to work at with the best of my ability instead of trying to procrastinate through
Through my intervention with myself, I tried to write the best outlines and build the best papers I could write during school instead of waiting until Sunday. On the very next paper, I made a 96 with only a few passive voice errors in places (The Argument of College Athletes Getting Paid to Play). My improved grade was a result of taking time to concentrate on the structure of my sentences. Finally, I trained myself to submit a paper earlier than an hour before the deadline. Procrastinating only delays the tasks, not time itself. This is a lesson I will use for the rest of my life at my job, at my home, and even with my family and friends.
Even though English has never been my strongest subject in school, I find it immature of me to believe that I should have been able to procrastinate in English 1113 as much as I did. I learned that tactic was causing me to go from straight A’s to B’s and C’s. My focus was dragging me down and I am glad that Composition I has shone a light this problem so it can be fixed in other classes and parts of life. From module 2 to module 12, I have come a long way in my journey of concentration. Unnecessary errors and misusage can be kicked out of my papers because of my new born ability to shape my thoughts and take time to thoroughly organize efficient outlines and essays.