Vygotsky and Sociocultural Theory Dr. Moll, our guest faculty member, chose three articles for the class to read: Moll (2001), Through the Mediation of Others, Cole M. (1995). Culture and Cognitive Development, and Cole M. (1985). The Zone of Proximal Development. These articles contained information about cognition development and also its relationship to environment. Dr. Moll spoke about the correlation between Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal development (ZPD), and its correlation to and interaction with Sociocultural Theory. Dr. Moll also discussed James Wertsch and his Vygotskyian beliefs about understanding and cultural tools. According to Moll (1995), within a Vygotskian approach, social relations are a key resource for the development of thinking. Vygotsky believed in emphasizing the social nature of learning making the student and the teacher active learners. In addition, Vygotsky added that the environment created between them is also active; collaboration, communication, and inquiry are key concepts within the classroom. This correlates nicely with the ZPD, “"contrast between what a child can do independently, representing his or her actual level of development, and what a child can do with the assistance of others, which represents the proximal level of development" since children learn to interact with their environment through play " (Moll, p. 8). Dr. Moll clarified Vygotsky’s use of play to enhance cognition. In Moll’s article (1985) Vygotsky was quoted, “In play, children behave beyond their ages and beyond their daily behavior “(p. 10). La Clase Magica was used as an example of explicit culturally-mediated pedagogy. This after school program utilized students, parents and
Vygotsky and Sociocultural Theory Dr. Moll, our guest faculty member, chose three articles for the class to read: Moll (2001), Through the Mediation of Others, Cole M. (1995). Culture and Cognitive Development, and Cole M. (1985). The Zone of Proximal Development. These articles contained information about cognition development and also its relationship to environment. Dr. Moll spoke about the correlation between Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal development (ZPD), and its correlation to and interaction with Sociocultural Theory. Dr. Moll also discussed James Wertsch and his Vygotskyian beliefs about understanding and cultural tools. According to Moll (1995), within a Vygotskian approach, social relations are a key resource for the development of thinking. Vygotsky believed in emphasizing the social nature of learning making the student and the teacher active learners. In addition, Vygotsky added that the environment created between them is also active; collaboration, communication, and inquiry are key concepts within the classroom. This correlates nicely with the ZPD, “"contrast between what a child can do independently, representing his or her actual level of development, and what a child can do with the assistance of others, which represents the proximal level of development" since children learn to interact with their environment through play " (Moll, p. 8). Dr. Moll clarified Vygotsky’s use of play to enhance cognition. In Moll’s article (1985) Vygotsky was quoted, “In play, children behave beyond their ages and beyond their daily behavior “(p. 10). La Clase Magica was used as an example of explicit culturally-mediated pedagogy. This after school program utilized students, parents and