The Lais of Marie de France are a collection of short stories that depict situations where love arises. The author presents love as a complex emotion and demonizes it and praises it in certain instances. She is not always in favor of love as is described by the outcomes by some of the lovers in the story, such as when they either end up dead in the end or banished because of their love. The author presents this notion of love because she believes it is not always justified to love someone. In the book, two distinct types of love are shown. There is selfless love and selfish love which are compared throughout the multiple stories in The Lais of Marie de France. By comparing the two distinct types of love, a universal truth about love can be derived to explain when love is and is not justified.…
The most intriguing aspect of Dagoberto Gilb’s story Love in L.A. is how realistic it really is. Generally, love stories follow the traditional pattern of two strangers meeting, falling in love and living happily ever after. Love in L.A by no means follows this pattern. Many real life romantic relations do not follow this pattern either. Not following the pattern, however, does not disqualify Love in L.A. from being a love story. The essay is still very much a love story only with a twist.…
In Love in the Time of Cholera Garcia-Marquez tells a unjust story of love. The protagonist Florentino Ariza suffers through “fifty-three years, seven months, and eleven days and nights,” (Marquez 348) to be happily reunited with the love of his life. For Garcia-Marquez to allow one of his characters to endure such an awful experience he must have had discouraging encounters with love himself. Garcia-Marquez believes that love is an inevitable disease that we will all have to suffer through at some point in our life.…
The collection of texts presented in this essay depicts an underlying theme of love. The texts have been examined and explored in order to note the similarities or differences in various categories. To compare two texts by the length of their stanza would be to diminish the value of its words; indeed a comparison of texts must come from the connotation.…
“Keep love in your hearts. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.”-Oscar Wilde Wilde hints at, that without love, your heart is like dead flowers in a sunless garden. Whereas, if there is love in your heart, your garden is full of blooming flowers. Love is a strong connection between people or objects that means a lot to them. In “Death and Transfiguration of a Teacher” Solari expresses the love between money and poetry. However, “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” portrays love between two unique people. In the stories “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” and “Death and Transfiguration” both Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Maria Teresa Solari embody love as a metaphor throughout the story.…
The theme of everlasting and all-consuming love is revealed by the writer's message that no matter what happens in life, extreme love is reachable. In this moment, nothing is more important than his love. His message is introduced as a hopeless question, "So what good would living do me?".…
Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a latin american author who has shown different ways of valuable life lessons in his work. In both Gabriel's novels "The memories of my melancholy whores and of love and other demons" contribute to the love that both men in each story found within very distinguished situations. Gabriel's style in both stories are different by having distinct word choice; persuading the reader through imagery that is being used in a contrasting way to tell what is going on.…
“Love is a disease.” This line is well known but takes a different perspective in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. These two teenagers take their lives because they rather be dead than live another day without one another. This creates a bond to the fact that illnesses start to cause people to lose hope in finding a solution and everything starts to become unpredictable. Through personification, weaknesses, and perseverance, this play takes a deep turn and mysteriously relates to diseases in a creative and unique…
As I see the twenty-seven year old surround himself with distraught feelings of a close ended love he sees the world in a retched out view, belittling his journey through graduate school as he works on his, as he would quote, “mostly unsuccessful”, first draft novel. With love being mostly an illusion sought out on another as depicted in Adrian House’s, “Francis of Assisi: A Revolutionary Life”, I notice that love can really blind a person to the point of vulnerability which then is ravished by these very, neoliberal mandated, societies. About love, House writes, “We are often first drawn to each other by the physical and mental attraction of looks, desire, wealth,…
Love is a universal emotion. Everyone has felt love towards something or someone in their lives. Love can bring about joy and happiness, tears and fears, hate and anger, anxiety and stress. The emotional roller coaster of love goes on throughout people’s lives and it is given and received in many different ways. There is a saying “ Love makes the world go around”. It is true. Imagine if love were not an emotion. What would you feel towards your family members, loved ones, children or spouse? It is a difficult question to answer and shows that love is an essential component in human relationships. The many facets of love, play out in many stories in American Literature.…
Introduction: Love is often regarded as an emotion that invokes extreme joy, hope and excitement. For example, Romeo and Juliet were a young couple who were so excited and hopeful about their love that they were willing to do anything to be together. However, there is another side to the feeling we call love that isn't so joyous. The other, darker side of love is expressed by three Langston Hughes poem which show us the heart-break, the abandonment and the desperation associated with falling in love.…
It can drive a man to madness and it can also teach him many things. Troubadour tradition is based around the idea of a love that is both good and bad, and that love should be filled with hopeless romantics and obstacles keeping lovers apart. Troubadour poetry is still relevant in on our society, and has influenced the work of poets and musicians from Dante Alighieri to Johnny Cash. Love in these poems is a twisted, confusing concept that the poets and their readers alike struggle with understanding. In this poem, "On true love all my thoughts are bent," love is illustrated as an internal struggle of the poet between despair and joy. Our poet's concept of love is distorted to match the ideals of courtly love in that time, and though there may have been some good in his love, it was mostly bad. In conclusion, I believe that this poem expresses the idea that love is both a good and a bad thing, but I think that it puts more emphasis on the…
A well-known famous French work of literature titled The Lover, written by Marguerite Duras, tells a forbidden love story between her as a young girl and a considerably older and wealthy man. The work was published as a book in 1984 which was later produced into a film in 1991. Ever since the reckless affair that Duras had with the rich man, the image of their love never dissipated from her memory. Was she aware of the imminent danger of maintaining such a relationship? Had she been thinking clearly, or had lust blinded her? The relationship between the man and the girl was not beneficial.…
Tita’s marriage bedspread shows how love cannot fully satisfy one’s needs. Pedro’s bouquet of roses reveals the harm and pain in a romantic relationship. Lastly, the over-powered sex represents true love finally coming together, but ending in lifelessness. Although it is desirable for true love to be effortless and untroubling, the author not only shows the goodness and richness of love, but also exposes the hardships and pessimistic outcomes…
In a life time, a person can and will experience a diverse range of fears, from small to life changing fears. In the novels it is no different, the characters themselves could be ruled by their or they can overcome their fears. In the novel Love in the time Cholera, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, aging is a deeply rooted fear in the characters’ lives that to some extent influences their decisions which causes them to be more aware of the dangers in their surroundings.…