Love Phobia is a Korean film directed by Kang Ji-Eun. The story follows 2 young individuals who developed a unique friendship which sparked into something more as they grew older. The kids were very much enjoying each other’s company even though Ari keeps making up things up – things that clearly are just in her imagination. What’s funny is that Jo-Kang allows himself to believe in her he ends up being charmed by Ari’s uniqueness. I actually find it cute how Jo-Kang follows Ari around and tries very hard to keep up with her ridiculous quirks.
In the middle of what seems to be a great relationship, Ari disappears out of nowhere. Jo-Kang is left devastated since clearly, he was somehow attached to Ari. 10 years later, she comes back and checks on Jo-Kang. Even though it has been so long, it didn’t feel like they were separated at all. The spark was always there and they didn’t let a long period of time get in the way of their ‘relationship’. You could see how happy they are together, especially Jo-Kang. It is evident that Ari genuinely makes him happy and he is more than willing to do everything for her. Since they’re a lot mature now, their relationship became more serious and it eventually leads to love.
Unsurprisingly, Ari disappears again. It is somehow maddening how Ari fails to assure Jo-Kang of consistency. The man is left unsure of what to do since the girl he loves would often just leave him hanging. During this time, Jo-Kang is already a banker. It’s amusing how he really pursued this field since it had something to do with Ari. She surprises him again as she walks inside the back where he works. I really loved the part where Jo-Kang tied her up and told her to just stay put for a few minutes. He really didn’t want to see her leave again.
Unlike before, Jo-Kang doesn’t fall for Ari’s bizarre claim about getting picked up by a UFO and releasing her from the curse. Then again, Ari interrupts their romance by saying she’s leaving for the