The cause of this harm can even be extended to the bourgeoisie class, as it is the higher-skilled and corporate owners of production that push the Internet of Things forward. Therefore, the relationship between the Internet of Things and social class is a negative one, as it causes detrimental impacts on the lower class and consequently allows the upper class to prosper.
However, despite the negative effects of the Internet of Things on social class, Conflict Theory would still argue that this technological revolution is an inevitable one. According to Karl Marx, the capitalist world cannot exist without constantly revolutionizing and without the methods of production becoming more advanced. In this way, the Internet of Things essentially becomes a condition of modern production and therefore a condition of the bourgeoisie’s existence.
Lastly, an interesting aspect to consider is how the Communist Manifesto declared that all members of the proletariat are “instruments for labor,” implying that workers are treated as cogs in a machine of production. The Internet of Things, however, turns this statement around due to its ability to replace human workers with actual machines. Ironically, if the proletariat and lower working class were machines, as Conflict Theory suggests, then they would be able to keep their job in this technological