Islam has strictly prohibited all the activities that are did not give any benefits or get the profits from a wrong or illegal ways. It also waste peoples’ time, energy, money and make others in trouble and difficulties. The activities are like riba, fraud, gambling, gharar, sell goods that are no use and others. All of the activities are against by Shariah but in our country, there are many cases of these activities. People do not take care about halal and haram of the things that they do. They just want money in a fast way. Muslims especially should control these problems from the continued widespread so that all of the transactions that we do are not contrary with the objectives of Shariah.
1.2 GAMBLING According to Macmillan English Dictionary (2007), gambling means an activity in which you risk money in the hope of winning more money if you are lucky or if you guess something correctly. It also defined that gambling is a situation in which you take a risk on something that can give you important benefits. It is the transaction that is based on one party’s gain and another’s loss or if the transaction is obscure. According to Walker, M. in The Psychology of Gambling (1992), it stated that gambling is being legalised throughout the world. When a community decides to legalise some form of gambling, they decide in favour of the benefits over the costs. The benefits usually consist of increased revenue to government and increased control over criminal activity associated with illegal gambling (p.1). It is contradicted from Islamic perspective.
In Islam, gambling has categorically and firmly prohibited so that the human society is saved from its ill-effects and harms. According to Sheikh Ahmad Kutty in (2002), gambling is haram because of the element of gharar (uncertainty) in it, which deprives some people while granting it to others. In Kitab Al-Buyu’ which is the book of