Lyddie has many different intangible traits in the book. Some of her traits are confidence, bravery, determination and independence. Lyddie shows her independence in the book because she didn’t want any help from anyone. She wanted to solve her problems by herself and didn’t like to get advice from anyone. Lyddie wanted to figure out and learn things on her own. An example of her independence in the book was when Luke Stevens tried to help …show more content…
I like to try and figure things out by myself and teach myself how to do things. When something doesn’t work, I try to figure out different ways to fix it before I ask anyone to help me. Most of the times I can figure it out on my own. Another way I am independent like Lyddie is that I never want help on my homework. I like to do it by myself and learn from my mistakes. If I depend on people to help me all the time, I would never learn anything and I would never become independent.
Another intangible trait that I can relate to is Lyddie’s determination. Lyddie is determined to go to work and earn enough money to pay back her father’s debts. For example the book states on page 57 “I must make money to help my mother pay for the house.” Lyddie is determined to get her family back together again. In the book Lyddie works hard because she is determined to achieve her goals. I am determined too because I have goals in band that I want to achieve. I am determined to help any 6th graders in band that are having trouble and help them pass. I practice hard and play with