As a human service professional, seeing the value and worth of the clients is vital to truly being able to help them. This is where ontological regard comes in. Ontological regard is the attitude that a person is naturally valuable. In other words, it is the belief that a person’s worth is not based on her abilities, but on the fact that she is human, and, therefore, valuable. Ontological regard can look different depending on who is …show more content…
This trait is found in recognizing the qualitative gifts a person has and encouraging those gifts. It is seeing the person’s strengths and helping her to also see those traits as strengths. This can be achieved through listening to the client to find what her gifts are, then providing encouragement of those gifts. It can also be put into action through making plans with the client to grow those gifts and to use them for the betterment of the client and those around her. Statement 2 of the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals seems the most related to ontological regards. This Standard states, “Human service professionals respect the integrity and welfare of the client at all times. Each client is treated with respect, acceptance, and dignity” (NOHS, 1996). This standard requires human service professionals to respect each client. In order to respect the client, the professional needs to have placed value upon the client. Otherwise, true respect and acceptance is not possible. I listened to the Johnny Mercer and the Aretha Franklin versions of Accentuate the Positive. I definitely like the Aretha Franklin version better. It was more upbeat and had a good vibe to it. I, also, really like Aretha Franklin, so there may have been a little bias there as