The movie, Sixth Sense, is a psychological thriller directed by M.Night Shyamalon. It is a film about a troubled nine-year-old boy, Cole Sear, who can see ghosts that do not know they’re dead, and therefore, is called a ‘freak’ at school because of his actions towards them. Eventually, he becomes hesitant around other people, especially towards his mother, who cares for him but can do nothing but tell herself that the scars and bruises on Cole were simply from ‘sport’ as he would not say a word to her about his secret. Cole’s life begins to change when he meets a child psychologist, Dr Malcolm Crowe, on the …show more content…
Nevertheless, the most important event in this film was when he was finally able to tell his mother about his secret. ‘I’m ready to communicate with you now.’ From the start of the film to this point, he was afraid of one thing, ‘She doesn’t look at me like everybody else, and I don’t want her to. I don’t want her to know, that I’m a freak.’ This kind of thinking clearly indicates that Cole didn’t want the only person close to him to think of him as a freak, and therefore, was hesitant and afraid to tell people about his secret, because he predicts they will tell his mother. However, when it came to him telling her, she didn’t think of him as a bad person. ‘You think I’m a freak now don’t you?’ ‘Hey, look at my face, I would never think that, EVER’. He also realises his sixth sense was not a bad thing, and could be used to help the living and dead to communicate with each other, seeing as Cole told his mother about grandma. ‘She said she came to the place where they buried her. Asked her a question? She said the answer is everyday...What did you ask her?’ ‘Do...Do I make her proud?” This indicates that Cole’s sixth sense are put to good use as a message which should of been said during his grandma’s mortal life, is now being passed on even when she is