The purpose of an agenda
The agenda gives the meeting a clear purpose, once you know what you want to achieve from a meeting then you can start to put an agenda together.
The agenda is a list of topics to be discussed in a meeting; the purpose is to follow the topic needed to be discussed so that no one strays off the topics. It also establish a timeline and order and keeps the meeting organized and on track.
If there was a poor or no agenda for the meeting then it could make managers look incompetent. Also there will be no clear objective for what people want to accomplish out of the meeting.
How to prepare prior to a meeting
Preparing for a meeting is essential for having a successful meeting as meetings are very important for business success.
Once you’re crystal clear about what your meeting is for, you can then begin to put the agenda together. Your agenda should have to following components: Date/time/location, Meeting titles, Attach the agenda, Attach previous meeting minuets which would include any action points ,Confirm Attendees & other participants – and state who should be present at which agenda item, if not all, Absentees/apologies – it’s always helpful to state who you know WON’T be there, as this may cause the meeting to be postponed, Agenda items, ‘Inputs’ – any documentation to be used in the agenda item, Desired outcome (decision, action, or shared information), Agenda item duration, Agenda item owner(s), Chairperson, Minute taker to be agreed upfront, AOB.
Also making sure there is a location and suitable room available for the date and time of the meeting with the appropriate furniture needed and toilets.
If the preparation of a meeting is not fully done then employees may not know there is a meeting, there may no room available, and managers may be unable to attend.
The role and responsibilities of a chair person, secretary and individuals
Most meetings require a chairperson in