Objectives ………………………………………………………………….. p.2
Socio-Cultural Impacts …………………………………………………….. p. 3
Development and Environmental Impacts ………………………………… p.4
Economic and Tourism Impacts…………………………………………….p.5-6
Political Impacts …………….………………………………..……….…....p.7
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………..…. p.8
References ………………………………………………………..………. p.9
Introduction and History :
Macao Grand Prix, a motor-racing annual event, is the biggest sport event in Macao. It happens on every third Thursday till Sunday in November. It is very expected and excited every year that thousands of fans and tourists will visit Macao from different countries. Many advanced competitors from more than three hundred countries attend this event. It has already happened more than 50 years till now. There are several types of races : motorcycle lap, Porsche Carrera Cup, Guia race lap and formula 3 lap. And the Macau Formula 3 Grand Prix is the most highlighted competition. All the races are held in the Guia Circuit, a tortuous street circuit which exists amount the bustling street, is one of the most challenging circuits in the world and as popular as the Monaco’s Mongolian Carrow one.
The Macao Grand Prix is found in 1854. It was just a small race for the enthusiasts at that time. At the beginning of 1853, there were some enthusiasts like Carlos Silva and Fernando Pinto who found that the streets in Macao is very tortuous that it is very suitable for those kinds of competitions. Therefore, they applied to the Hong Kong Automobile Association and finally got the sponsorship and support. At the end of the same year, the first race happened. There were only 15 cars to attend this tiny race. This race lasted about 4 hours and it attracted more than 20000 audiences. It made Macao to be the first region where held the Grand Prix in Asia.