What is ambition? In the dictionary ambition is defined has “an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, (ex) power, honor, fame, or wealth. The willingness to strive for its attainment”. From this definition I do not even believe that Macbeth really had any ambition of his own. I do not think his ambition was not Macbeth’s greatest weakness but more is gullibility and being able to be swayed into the directions of others. In the story of Macbeth of Macbeths miss fortune is caused by first the prophecy of the witches and secondly of the discouragement of his wife constantly degrading him causing him to prove his self willing and able. Also with the swaying of others making Macbeth feel he needed these promotions. I also think it was more Macbeth’s selfishness that cause his death and that was truly his greatest weakness to him.
The first people to influence Macbeth were the three witches. When the three witches first made Macbeth clear with their prophecy Macbeth could not refuse the free path into power. After the first two prophecies had come true Macbeth started to get greedy with power. Believing “hey why not hold all the power, riches and fame in my hands, why should I share them with the king when the witches said I could be king”. When these thoughts started to appear in Macbeths mind more Macbeth’s greed took over. With this immense amount of greed it caused Macbeth to have vaulting ambition to make this happen not matter what happens. So that is when Macbeth went out and would try anything possible to achieve success. This is clear when in act 1 scene 7, line 26 and 27 Macbeth says “to prick the side of my intent, but only vaulting ambition which o’erleaps itself”. This shows that ambition is taking over which is a major affect against Macbeth but also it is caused from greed which is truly his strongest weakness. Another example that greed and cockiness is Macbeth’s greatest weakness and not ambition is when the witches