In order to make sure that the movement would reach to everyone’s eyes; Las Madres would meet every Thursday during peak hours in the La Plaza of Buenos Aires walk around wearing a “white kerchiefs embroidered with the name of their love once disappeared”, a humble symbol “peace” that defines their greatest strength to fight for human rights. Also, Las Madres would represent their children or grandchildren “who were disappeared” by carrying a picture in their chest of those who have been “disappeared”.
Gradually, every Thursday more mothers would come to the movement, making themselves known in the public sphere. This was the start of a new movement; a new form of resistance built outside of political structures by Las Madres with the only purpose was to have their children returned to them. The reason why this movement was mostly of mothers is because the father would have to work in order to support the household. However, nothing in this world is stronger fighter than a mothers heart fighting for their