Describe how major events of cell division that enable the genome of one cell to be passed on to two daughter cells. List the phases of cell cycle and describe the sequence of events that occurs during each phase.
There are two main stages of the cell cycle, with multiple subdivisions within each. Interphase is the first stage, and it’s composed of G1 (contents of the cell are duplicated sans the chromosomes), S (chromosomal duplication), and G2 (checkpoints) phase. After interphase, there is the mitotic phase. The mitotic phase is composed of mitosis (division) and then cytokinesis (division of cytoplasm=2 daughter cells). The cell cycle ultimately produces two daughter cells. These processes allow the (complete) genetic material present in a cell/organism to be passed on to the daughter cells of cell division. The phases of Interphase ensure this for example. During the S phase, DNA is duplicated, aka 46 chromosomes. This allows the cells to split so they can have equal amounts of genetic material which are passed on to the daughter cells. The phase of G2 has cell checkpoints to ensure not errors occurred in the duplication process. After the volume is doubled, the cell undergoes the mitotic phases. Under these …show more content…
The types are A, B, O, AB blood. A & B alleles are codominant, so if both A and B are present they will be expressed together. O alleles have neither A or B antigens. O and O will result in O or O, an O or B will result in an O or B. A and A can result in A or O (same for B and O). AB and AB can result in A, B, or AB. They inherit it depending on the combo of their parent’s blood type. The Rh blood group is also a human blood system group. It is independently inherited from the ABO blood group alleles. Rh has Rh+ and Rh-. A + and + will result in a + or -, while a + and - will result in a + or -, but a - and - will result only in a