Women generally use makeup to affect other people, such as their boyfriends, husbands, friends or boss. Makeup is used for first impression on people. Today, most people evaluate women by looking into their physical appearance. For example, when a woman go to an interview for a job, employer can look whether she is well-cared or wear avaiblable or not. Physical appearance is important for them because even you go to somewhere, such as a shop center, most people examine them. In addition, competition is common between women in today. People ask who is most charmful? Actually, beauty contests are very comon and most women want to select. “The most beautiful and charmful women”. However, makeup is necessary in this situation. If we look into these words, we can understand that makeup is important. “There is no ugly woman, there is woman who does not care about herself”. Moreover, makeup is an effective factor in their love life because most men are attracted to charmful women who wear makeup. For example, a man sees who has glamorous red lips, sweet cheek bones, smooth skin and beautiful eyes and then he can fall in love with her. If this woman would not care about herself, he may not like her. Therefore, makeup creates
Women generally use makeup to affect other people, such as their boyfriends, husbands, friends or boss. Makeup is used for first impression on people. Today, most people evaluate women by looking into their physical appearance. For example, when a woman go to an interview for a job, employer can look whether she is well-cared or wear avaiblable or not. Physical appearance is important for them because even you go to somewhere, such as a shop center, most people examine them. In addition, competition is common between women in today. People ask who is most charmful? Actually, beauty contests are very comon and most women want to select. “The most beautiful and charmful women”. However, makeup is necessary in this situation. If we look into these words, we can understand that makeup is important. “There is no ugly woman, there is woman who does not care about herself”. Moreover, makeup is an effective factor in their love life because most men are attracted to charmful women who wear makeup. For example, a man sees who has glamorous red lips, sweet cheek bones, smooth skin and beautiful eyes and then he can fall in love with her. If this woman would not care about herself, he may not like her. Therefore, makeup creates