Core unit 3 – Making the pre-school setting a supportive and safe environment.
The 1981 Warnock Report and Education Act highlighted the concept of children having special educational needs. This means each setting needs to have an inclusion policy that states that all children and their parents are included regardless of there race, religion or disability. Our admissions policy reflects this.
The UN Convention on the rights of the child (1989) added to the Warnock Report by stating that disabled children have the right to be included in mainstream education, allowing the child to achieve the fullest possible social integration and individual development. The ramifications for settings include providing an environment that is inclusive and accessible to all. The Special Needs Code of Practice (2001) provides practical advice for settings on the statutory requirements. This code became effective in January 2002 and from that date any planning settings undertake must have regard to it.
In 1994 the UNESCO Salamanca Statement was produced which represented a world wide consensus to endorse an approach of inclusive schools. It called for inclusive education to be the norm and adopted a Framework for Action which said ordinary schools should include all children.
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (SENDA), which consolidated the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 are all represented in our equal opportunities policies to ensure that all children and their families are treated equally in our setting.
In 2003 the government brought out a green paper called Every Child Matters. This paper set out the government’s commitment to improve the outcomes for all children and identify barriers for children with SEN and disabilities.
Several other pieces of legislation followed in the next few years which helped