Curriculum and Every Child Matters:
Developments, changes and challenges
The impact of ‘Every Child Matters’ on classroom practice
This report will demonstrate how the outcomes of Every Child Matters (ECM) agenda can be implemented into classroom practise when planning and teaching the broad curriculum. There will be a focus on ‘Stay Safe’ and ‘Be Healthy’ in the subject areas of Design Technology (D.T), Physical Education (P.E) and Citizenship.
What is Every Child Matters?
‘Every Child Matters’ was first published as a government Green Paper in 2003. It was made in response to a report chaired by Lord Laming into the death of Victoria Climbié. The Green Paper set out proposals for addressing concerns recognised in the report, …show more content…
This shows the role of the school and teachers are important in implementing the agenda into the lives of young people. They must make sure provisions are available for pupils to meet the 5 outcomes. Teachers have the responsibilities to minimise any barriers to effective learning, ‘teaching and learning unlock the potential of every child and must continue to be the core in ECM’ (Hofkins 2008, pg.19) and teachers must always plan lessons to meet the ability and needs of each child so that they can achieve to that potential. For example, differentiating work effectively so that each child in class is …show more content…
Out of all the subjects in the curriculum citizenship does provide the best scope for ECM in practice.
Citizenship is an excellent lesson that allows for discussions amongst peers on subjects that affect them all. It enables all pupils to express and share their own views and ideas both to the whole class and in small groups within a classroom that embraces a safe environment for learning. For example a discussion on bullying allows pupils to discuss behaviour deemed as bad and what behaviour is deemed a good. ‘Citizenship promotes safety especially through its emphasis on cohesion.’ (How does citizenship support the Every Child Matters outcomes, 2012), so for example if afterwards they can make an anti-bullying policy together, it brings the whole class as one and promotes the outcomes ‘Be Safe’ and ‘Be