Would you recommend a diabetic not take insulin, but rather change the patient’s lifestyle? Of course not. A doctor would prescribe the diabetic patient the proper medication along with a change in diet and exercise. Just like any other illness, depression is to be treated the same way. There is a wide variety of drugs that can be taken to treat depression. With the proper medication and a few lifestyle adjustments, one would be well on their way to beating this mental illness.
Depression affects mental health as well as physical health. Research shows that depression and physical pain share the same pathway to the brain which directly effects the emotions. Therefore, depression and physical pain are directly related. Pain can be depressing and depression can cause and/or intensify pain. So, these two have overlapping effects. Sixty-five percent of those affected by depression complain of physical pain (Depression and Chronic Pain: Causes and Treatment, 2012). By being properly medically treated, depression can be relieved which decreases or stops