
Argumentative Essay About Health Problems

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Argumentative Essay About Health Problems
Health issues are a big obstacle in the world today. Depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, PTSD, etc is the biggest and they are able to be treated but people do not come to realize it. These health issues are crucial, especially if it is a worse condition than most, but the biggest issue with them is that they are not being taken care of correctly. Most people that try to help, make it worse because they do not understand the best way to help out. Most parents do not get the idea that pets make the best treatment for any mental health disorder and health problem. Depression is the top mental disorder in the world. Mental illness affects one in four adults and one in five children (Mental Health Assoc.) Depression is said to be assisted with counseling and taking pills every day. But who wants to have to do that their whole life? I …show more content…
But they usually try the “cheap” route which is only the cheaper choice at the moment. Humans are fine to show love and affection, but pets are even better. The only problem is, pets show a tremendous affection, and in the article “Why A Man’s Best Friend Is A Man’s Best Friend” it says,“Children often turn to their pet for comfort if a friend or a family member dies or leaves the family. Grieving adults who did not have a close source of human support were also found to have less depression if they had a pet”(Drs. Foster & Smith Educational Staff). Dogs know exactly how their human is feeling 99% of the time and if they do not know, they are always trying to figure it out. In “Huffington’s Post” they said, “Dogs are very attuned to humans' moods, which makes them a good gauge of what we're feeling. They're "an emotional barometer. Dogs have been domesticated for about 12,000 years," he says. "One of the things that research has shown is dogs have learned over these years, perhaps better than any other being, how to read our nonverbal behavior." (Klein,

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