Definition of Communication
Communication is a significant process to express caliber, potential and ability.
Communication is expression of thoughts with requisite words.
Verbal expression of ability, thought and understanding is called communication.
1. Introduction to Communication
The act of sharing information with others by speaking, writing, moving our body or using others signals is known as Communication.
“In short, communication is an act of transferring information, ideas and knowledge from one person to another.”
One should know what to say, how to say, and how much to say , therefore effective communication is very important to every individual , whether a businessman , politician , teacher or a technocrat.
The success of an individual at professional level depends largely upon his communication skills. It plays a vital role in developing positive relationships among employees.
It maintains the goodwill of the organization and avoids confusion and disharmony at the work place. This leads to the achievement of the goals set by the organization and thus takes the organization as well as its employees to the pinnacle of success.
What is Communication?
Communication is an act or process by which we convey meaning, in an attempt to create shared understanding. It is a two-way process, which is incomplete without the feedback of the receiver.
The word communication is derived from the Latin word “communicare” which means “sharing” and French word “communis” which means “to give”. Therefore it is sharing or exchange of Ideas, Views, Knowledge and Emotions between two or more persons i.e. Sender and Receiver, which helps the organization to achieve its desired goals.
Definition of Communication Peter little defines communication as “the process by which information is transmitted between individuals or organization so that an understanding response results.”
According to Keith Davis, “Communication is the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another person. It is a way of reaching others with facts, ideas, thoughts and values.”
Process of Communication
The process of communication involves all the elements and the medium which helps the sender to convey his message to the receiver in such a way that can be interpreted as desired by the sender. Ideation | Encoding Decoding
Sender ----------------- Medium/Channel -------------------- Receiver | |
Followup ---------------------------------------------------------------- Feedback
1.Forming an Idea(Ideation)
The process of generation of an idea in the mind of the sender is known as Ideation. This is the most important step in the process of communication. In order to start any kind of communication one should be clear about the message, to be conveyed because when an idea or thought comes into our mind, only then can we communicate. Thus one should be clear about one’s ideas.
It is the process of converting ideas, feeling and facts into words or action. One must know how to express an idea in terms of language. After the selection of an idea, the subject matter is arranged and organized, for this purpose one must be competent in the language chosen for communication. The language must also be one that can be easily understood by the audience.
3. Channel or Medium of Transmission
The Sender should be aware of the proper medium to be used for transmitting the information. For example, if the sender wants to convey his message to the masses, in far off rural places, Radio and T.V would be the best medium.
4. Decoding
Decoding is the process of converting the encoded message into a form understood by the receiver. Decoding takes place at the receivers end, when the message is transmitted to the receiver through an appropriate channel, if the receiver understands the information received and is able to comprehend the clear message as intended by the sender, this means decoding is successful. Proper decoding facilitates feedback process.
5. Feedback
Feedback is the most important step in the process of communication, as communication is incomplete without feedback. Feedback is the response given by the receiver to the sender. Feedback, whether positive or negative completes the process of communication. It helps one to know the understanding level of the person with whom one is communicating. If the receiver understands and interprets the message as conveyed by the sender, only then is communication said to be effective.
Types of communication
Language is the most significant tool for communication. Language makes communication more effective. Language helps reflect our personality.
It employs a combination of words to communicate ideas in a meaningful way. By changing the word order in the sentences we can change its meaning.
The Encyclopedia Britannica Vol.13 defines Language as “a system of conventional spoken or written symbols by means of which human beings, as members of a social group and participants in its culture, communicate.”
(A) Verbal Communication.
When we communicate through language using words, it is known as Verbal communication. It is the process of expressing one’s ideas, thoughts and views through words.
1.Oral Communication:- Includes face to face conversation, conversation over the telephone, radio broadcasts, interview, group discussion, meeting, conferences and seminars, announcements over the public address system, speeches etc. Oral communication is extremely useful while communicating with groups at assemblies’ meetings legislatures’ parliament and courts.
1- Oral communication saves time. In a number of cases where actions is required to be taken immediately, it is best to transmit a message orally.
2- Telephonic/oral communication saves money also.
3- Speech is a powerful means of persuasion and control.
4- With the help of variations in tone, pitch and intensity of voice, the speaker can convey shades of meaning which he would not be able to do through written communication. This factor also contributes to the efficacy of oral communication.
5- The speaker can get immediate feedback, whether he is creating a favorable impression on the receiver or antagonizing him, or whether the receiver has clearly understood his meaning or is feeling perplexed or disinterested. The speaker can mould and adjust his messages accordingly.
6- The oral conversation has the benefits of feedback and clarification.
1- Oral communication is not possible if the communicator and the receiver are far away from each other and telephone/mobile is not available to connect them.
2- Lengthy messages are not suitable for oral transmission.
3- Oral messages cannot be retained for a long time. Since these messages are nowhere to be found in the record books. We cannot refer back to them in future.
4- Oral messages do not have any legal validity unless they are taped and made a part of permanent record.
5- Although oral messages offer a greater opportunity for clarification there are also the greater chances of misunderstanding them.
6- In oral messages, responsibilities for mistakes, if any, cannot be specifically assigned.
Oral Communication
Saves time
Saves money
Highly persuasive
Conveys shades of meaning
Immediate feedback
Immediate clarification
Can be informal
More effective with groups
Not Possible for distant people in the absence of telephone or mobile.
Unsuitable for lengthy messages
Messages cannot be retained for long
No legal validity
Greater chances of misunderstanding
Not easy to fix responsibility in case of misunderstanding.
Effective oral communication is the corner-stone of success in life. Particularly, with the coming up of the Business call Centre’s, the skills of oral communication are differentiated from those of the face-to-face communication. The telephone and mobile conversations are identified with oral communication, whereas one-to-one meeting, group discussion and public speaking are the areas of face to face communication. There are some common elements which go a long way in making oral as well as telephonic communication effective. The good thing is that anybody can acquire these skills with motivation and practice. Some of these are:
(a) Clear pronunciation
(b) Brevity. As Shakespeare has said : “Brevity is the soul of wit”
(c) Precision
(d) Conviction
(e) Logical sequence
(f) Proper choice of words
(g) Avoiding jargons, hackneyed phrases and clichés.
(h) Natural and unaffected tone of speech.
(i) Try to tune yourself to the wavelength of the listeners.
(2) Written Communication:- It includes letters, circulars, memos, e-mails, faxes, telephonic reports, minutes, forms, questionnaires and manuals etc. everything that has to be written and transmitted in written form falls in the areas of written communication
Written communication: Merits and Limitations
Written communication
Permanent record
Legal document
Wide access
Helps to fix responsibility
Time consuming
Quick clarification not possible
1- It is accurate and precise. Written communication is usually formulated with great care. The very prospect of writing makes a person conscious. He gives a serious thought to his ideas and tries to organise them. The written communication is open to verification and its authenticity can be easily challenged. The communication has to be accurate and true to facts. Therefore, in written communication, there is an insistence on greater accuracy and precision.
2- It can be repeatedly referred to. The receiver of a written communication can go over the message again and again. He can read and re read it till he thinks he has properly understood it. Besides, there is less danger of losing any part of the message.
3- It is a permanent record. Written communication becomes a permanent record of the organization and can prove very useful for future reference. Permanent records are placed in the archives of the government and of an organization.
4- It is legal record. Written communication is acceptable as a legal document. That is why messages transmitted orally are confirmed in writing.
5- It facilitates the fixing of responsibilities. If communications were preserved in writing, it would be much easier to assign responsibilities.
6- It has a wide access. The Written communication enjoys a wide access. When the communicator and the receiver are far removed from each other, written communication can be sent through either internet or post.
1- It is Time consuming. One of the major limitations of written communication is that it is time consuming. It takes a lot of time and energy to draft a legally correct document or letter.
2- It is costly. Writing letters is a costly process, because a number of people are involved in sending out a letter from an organization, and their time is definitely valuable.
3- Quick clarification is not possible. In case the receiver of a written communication has certain doubts or questions about the message, he cannot seek immediate clarification, as is possible in oral messages. He has to write back and wait for the reply.
Forms of Oral and Written Communication
Oral forms
Written forms
Face to face conversations
Telephone conversations
Group discussions
Interview (employment, press)
Video conferences
Voice conferences
Research papers
In-house journals
(B) Non-verbal Communication
When we communicate through symbols, signs and gestures, it is known as Non-verbal communication. The statement “action” speak louder than words” aptly sums up the significance of non-verbal communication.
Examples of non-verbal communication
(1) Body language (Kinesics)
Body language helps in expressing our inner feeling, our conflicts and our attitudes.
A Smile or a warm hand shake conveys positive attitude much more effectively than words. Similarly, loss of eye contact and yawning show boredom. Some more examples are:-
(a) Raised eye brow - Surprise
(b) Glance around - Nervousness
(c) Smile - Interest , friendliness
(d) Turning up the nose - Dislike
2-Body posture: Body postures convey various non-verbal messages.
a) The way a person sits or stand communicates confidence and pride.
b) A leg over the arm of the chair indicates a relaxed and informal mood.
c) A hand at the back of the head signifies confidence, dominance or a feeling of superiority.
d) If the person leans away from the other person, it suggests dislike or disinterest.
e) Crossed arms indicate a defensive posture.
3. Gesture:-It is almost impossible to convey a message without gestures. It is found that people usually use gestures when they are enthusiastic.
a) A thumbs up signifies approval.
b) A smile is also an expression of approval.
c) Open hands are a sign of trust.
d) Rubbing the eye during conversation could mean that a person is in doubt or is trying to deceive.
4 Space (Proxemics): In our day-to-day life, our attitude is signified by the space we occupy in relation to others. This space includes the size of the physical area around us and the proximity to another person.
Space and distance can also be further classified as –
a) Intimate distance
Up to 18 inches
e.g Mother – Child
b) Personal Distance
18- inches 4 ft. e.g Between two friends
c) Social distance 4-12 ft
e.g. Teacher and Student
d) Public distance
12 ft or as far as we can see or hear
e.g. A Leader and Public
5- Physical appearance: It is a significant aspect of non-verbal communication. The sense of dressing indicates the personality of the individual. The color we wear, the kind of clothes we choose are quite important, for example, wearing trendy or casual clothes to a work place is a mark of casual attitude towards the job.
Communication can further be categorized as follows:
1- Intrapersonal communication: When communication takes place within the individual, it is said to be Intrapersonal communication. When a message is transmitted by the bra
2- in to the other parts of a body, a response to the instructions of the brain is made in terms of actions.
e.g. when you are feeling hungry and a packet of biscuits is kept on the table, a massage will be sent by the brain to the hand and the mouth and the resulted action will make you eat.
3- Interpersonal communication: When communication takes place between two or more people it is said to be Interpersonal communication.
a) Formal communication: It is generally official. In this type of communication a proper hierarchy is followed and the flow of information or ideas takes place through a proper channel (Chain of command).
The chain of command can be –
(A) Vertical communication
(1) Upward communication: When communication takes place from the lower level to a higher level, i.e., the flow of communication is from the subordinates to the superior, it is known as upward communication.
It is generally in the form of suggestions and requests.
Importance of Upward Communication
Upward communication plays a vital role in the successful functioning of an organization in the following ways.
1- Feedback: Upward communication provides valuable feedback to managers. With the help of this feedback they can judge whether the subordinates have understood and followed the orders and instruction issued to them. Managers also receive useful information relating to the attitude of employees towards the company and its policies.
2- Release of tension: Upward communication provides the employees an outlet to vent their pent-up emotions and grievances. When mangers patiently and sympathetically listen to the problems and complaints of employees, the employees feel happy and satisfied.
3- Suggestion: Mangers can get constructive suggestions and innovative ideas through upward communication. When these suggestions are implemented and rewarded, employees get a feeling of participation and a sense of belonging is created. The efficiency of the organization is also increased.
4- Mutual cooperation: Upward communication helps to create greater harmony and mutual understanding between management and employees. Cohesion and mutual trust result in cordial industrial relations.
5- Change: When employees communicate freely with their suppliers they do not resist new idea as their attitudes become positive. They not only accept new schemes readily but even work hard to make them successful.
Limitations of Upward communication
1- Psychological: Certain problems, primarily of psychological nature, may come up in upward communication.
2- Hierarchical system: Many managers do not like to be ‘told’ by their juniors. They may not be patient enough to listen to them or may even suppress the message sent to them from below. In such a situation the employees may feel let-down.
(2) Downward communication When communication takes place from the higher level to a lower level, i.e., the flow of communication is from the superior to the subordinates, it is known as downward communication.
These are generally in the form of instructions.
Limitations to Downward Communication
1)Distortion: Sometimes the message that originating from the highest level gets distorted and message may get lost in between before reaching to the lowest level.
2) Delay: It is time-consuming. The more the level the greater the chance of delay.
3) Filtering: Sometimes managers may withhold some valuable information from the employees. In such a situation, the employees feel frustrated, confused and powerless. This may spoil the employer-employee relationship.
4) Too much or too less information:
Some superior talk too much while others talk too little. When a manager transmits too much information to his subordinates, he may create confusion or may leak confidential information.
A manager may withhold some information thinking that it is not necessary for subordinates to know all the details. Such under-communication may create apprehensions among employees.
(B) Horizontal or Lateral : When communication takes place among people of same level, it is known as horizontal communication, for example, a message conveyed by the head of one department to the head of another department.
Advantages of horizontal communication :
1) It helps to create mutual understanding and trust between people and department.
2) It facilitates cooperation and coordination between different departments of the organization.
3) It helps in setting interdepartmental and intradepartmental differences without the intervention of the management.
4) It makes it possible to solve problems at lower levels.
5) It is generally very effective because there are not status barriers. However, it may degenerate into gossip and rumors. There is need to avoid such time-wasting and counterproductive activities.
Disadvantage of Horizontal communication
1) There is need to shed ego and communicate freely.
2) Even employee should develop the habit of natural consultations.
3) Departmental needs should avoid unilateral actions and keep each other informed of their activities and problems.
(C) Diagonal or Crosswise:
This is also known as crosswise communication as it flows in all directions regardless of the function and levels in an organization, For example direct communication between the sales manager of a particular department in an organization with the executive of the H.R. department. This type of communication deviates from the normal hierarchy but it avoids delayed action.
Advantages of Diagonal communication:
1- Coordination: This crosswise communication serves the important purpose of coordination through informal meetings, formal conferences, lunch hour meetings, general notices etc.
2- Practicable: As we know not all communication takes place strictly on the lines of organizational hierarchy i.e. downwards or upwards.
Disadvantages of Diagonal communication:
1. Fear of infringement: The superior may feel it as an infringement that his subordinate has been given importance and he has been bypassed.
2. Anarchy: The lack of accepted procedures may lead internal anarchy and external animosity. Advantages of Formal Communication
(a) The formal channels account for most of the effectiveness of communication therefore great care has to be taken in sending across any letter or report though the ‘proper’ formal channel.
(b) Formal channels cover an ever-widening distance as organisation grows. Through them it is easier to reach out to the branches of an organisation spread far and wide.
(c) The formal channels, because of their tendency to filter information, keep the higher level managers from getting bogged down with it.
(d) Formal channels of communication consolidate the organisation and satisfy the people in managerial position.
Limitations of formal Communication
(a) Quite often it is seen that the formal channels of communication inhibit or stand in the way of free flow of information.
(b) We can say that the formal channels are time consuming. Strict formality in sending out messages may cost the organisation in term of man hours.
(c) The formal channels may also incur a lot of expenditure in terms of money.\
(d) There are more chances of red-tapism and delay tactics in this method because executives generally overlook the interests of the subordinates. Any information upward or downward favouring subordinates is more often suppressed or delayed by the superiours.
(e) In most of the big organisations, contacts between the top executive and the subordinates at the lowest are far remote. Very often they do not recognise each other. This adversely affects relations between executive and subordinates.
Formal communication network :
1) Chain network: In this type of network, communication is only possible in the upward or downward direction. It is found in the hierarchy system where there is a direct line of authority.
2) Y network: This network is found in a multi-level hierarchy and can combine horizontal and vertical flow of communication. In this type of communication two subordinates will report to one superior or one subordinate can report to two superiors as and when the need arises.
3) Wheel network : In this type of communication, many subordinates of equal rank, report to one superior but they do not communicate with each other. It involves horizontal as well as diagonal flow of communication.
4)The circle network : In this network, employees interact with an adjacent member. Here communication flows horizontally.
5)The all channel network : This type of communication is found in an organization which is not structured property. Employees are free to communicate with each other, as there are no restrictions. One can interact with anyone in the organization.
Question : What Points should be kept in mind during an effective communication ?
Ans: For an effective communication the following should be kept in mind –
a) One network is not enough to meet the requirements of the company.
b) The all channel as well as the wheel network is quite helpful in exceptional cases where we want to save time.
c) To avoid any kind of barrier in communication, one must select the chain, Y or wheel networks as convenient.
d) To ensure accuracy and efficiency in the performance of the organization, one should generally avoid the circle network and the all channel network. b) Informal communication network or grapevine network: “Communication that takes place among in an unofficial way and does not follow a proper chain of command is known as informal communication.”
In informal communication it is difficult to locate the source of the information, communication flows in all directions. It can be personal as well as official.
The grapevine Network is an essential part of an organization. It brings out the common interest between the employees and develops a harmonious atmosphere at the workplace.
Informal information can be conveyed quickly through the grapevine network. It helps the manager to know the view and opinions of his subordinates and efforts can be made to improve the working conditions accordingly. It increases the efficiency of the employees.
However the grapevine network is not positive always it can create confusion and doubt among the employees. It can lead to rumors which can be harmful for the growth of the organization as a whole.
INFORMAL COMMUNICATION OR GRAPEVINE Factors Leading to the Grapevine Phenomenon
(a) Feeling of uncertainty or lack of sense of direction when the organization is passing through a difficult period.
(b) Feeling of inadequacy or lack of self-confidence on the part the employee, leading to the formation of groups. (c) Formation of a coterie or favored group by the manager, giving other employees a feeling of insecurity or isolation.
People operating in such circumstances will be filled with all sorts of ideas and will share them with like minded companions, at whatever level they may be. Mostly they find them at their own level, but other levels are not barred. This type of communication is being seriously studied by psychologists and management experts.
Merits / Advantages of the Grapevine
(a) Speedy transmission: The greatest merit of this phenomenon is that it transmits information very speedily. A rumor spreads like wild fire. The very moment a worker comes to know that something is ‘top secret’ or ‘confidential’ he tries to look into it or have some idea of it and pass it on to others. Thus it spreads within minutes. Managers have been known to distribute information through planned ‘leaks’ or carefully used ‘just between you and me’ remarks.
(b) Feedback Value : It is primarily through the grapevine that the managers or top bosses of an organisation get the feedback regarding their policies, decisions, memos etc. The feedback reaches them much faster through the informal channel than through the formal channel.
(c) Support to other channels: The grapevine or informal channel functions as a supplementary or parallel channel of communication. The formal channels not only take more time but also impose certain constraints on the process of communication. So,whatever is deemed to be unsuitable for the formal channels can be successfully transmitted through the grapevine
(d) Psychological satisfaction: The grapevine gives immense psychological satisfaction to the workers and strengthens their solidarity. It draws them nearer to each other and thus keeps the organisation intact as a social entity.
Demerits / Disadvantages of the Grapevine
(a) The information that spreads through the grapevine is less credible than the one given by the formal channel. Since the grapevine spreads information through the word of mouth it cannot always be taken seriously.
(b) The grapevine does not always carry the complete information. Thus one may not get the complete picture on its basis.
(c) The grapevine often distorts the picture or often misinform. As its origin lies in the rumour mill it may spread any kind of stories about responsible people. In this way it may spoil the image of the organisation.
Effective Use of the Grapevine
Whatever be the demerits of the grapevine phenomenon we have to learn to live with it. We cannot wish it away. On the other hand, a skillful manager can make effective use of it. Given below are some hints for it.
1- A tactful manager will keep the employees well informed so that may not spread rumours.
2- The management can and should, organise fruitful group activities so as to enhance the self-worth of the employees and update their knowledge. This will go a long way to stop them from indulging in small talk.
3- The mangers should, as far as possible, have an open door policy without giving the impression of cheap popularity.
4- The manger should tactfully identify the leaders and win their confidence. This will help him in feeling the pulse of their followers.
5- As far as possible, the employees, through their leaders, should be made partners in the decision making process.
6- The manager should create a healthy environment where there is room for personal talk; regular timings may be allotted for this purpose.
7- The managers should try to get feedback on his style of functioning and work for continuous improvement.
8- Rumours aimed at character assassination or maligning somebody must be discouraged.
9- A manager must learn to be a good empathic listener. This way the employees or their leaders will feel free to talk to him rather than indulge in rumour mongering.
Grapevine or Informal communication network may be of four types :
1) Single strand chain: In this type of grapevine, the message is conveyed from one person to another and further on.
2) Gossip: In the gossip network a message is conveyed by one person to everyone at the same time.
3) Probability: In this type of network, a message is conveyed to the most influential person, who can then convey it to others.
4) Cluster: In cluster network, a message is conveyed by a person to selected or a few people. This is a very common form of grapevine communication.
Characteristics of grapevine:
1.In general the grapevine is not expensive
If information from the grapevine is blindly accepted it may be destructive.
Reveals some degree of error
Be harmful in case it is baseless or imaginary
4.If carefully cultivated, is capable of resolving conflicts.
Leads to misunderstanding
5.A measure of public opinion
Not reliable, as nobody takes the responsibility for it.
6.Promotes unity
Causes damage to the organization because of its excessive swiftness at times ( e.g a baseless rumor that is not clarified in time will be accepted as truth causing a negative impact).
Distinction between Formal and Informal Communications
Basis of Distinction Formal communication Informal Communications
1. Origin Deliberately Structured Spontaneous and unstructured
2. Flow Prescribed Not-Prescribed
3. Authority Official Channel Unofficial
4. Purpose To achieve organizational To satisfy personal needs Goals
5. Speed Slow Fast
6. Accuracy Accurate and Authentic Often contains rumours and gossips
7. Form Both oral and written Oral
4) Mass communication :
When a single message or idea is conveyed to a group of people or mass at the same time, it is known as mass communication.
A medium is required to transmit information to a large audience. This could be television, radio or the print media. Mass communication has a wider impact on the audience.
Barriers to communication:
Effective communication is the key of achieving success in the professional field. Communication is said to be effective when the feedback of the message sent is the same as desired by the sender. Sometimes the information conveyed is not understood completely by the receivers.
Because of various factors which hinder the process of communication are known as Barriers to communication.
Types of Barriers to communication :
1) Physical Barrier: This occurs when communication is hindered due to physical disturbances. The distracting element found in the surrounding environment that does not allow proper communication is termed as physical barrier. Some physical barriers are –
a) Noise
b) Environmental discomfort
c) Invisibility
d) Distraction and Ill health
e) Insufficiently insulated rooms
f) Poor lighting
2. Psychological Barrier: When a person is not able to communicate effectively because of mental disturbances, it is known as psychological barrier, Anxiety, fear, stress and ego are some of the psychological barriers. People with a closed mind are very difficult to communicate with as they are not prepared to consider the opinions of others and have their own prejudices.
3. Semantic (Language) Barrier: When communication is disrupted because of linguistic inabilities, it is known as semantic barrier. Due to regional differences and differences in accent, we are not always able to comprehend the message conveyed by the sender. Different languages are spoken at different places. Therefore, in oral communication, accent and pronunciation are not always understood clearly.
Some semantic barriers are –
a) Use of unsuitable words.
b) Improper sentence formation
c) Lack of comprehension
d) Not aware of different meanings of words
e) Imprecise and ambiguous sentences.
4) Organizational Barrier: Every organization has its own structure and communication techniques. Rigid hierarchy and complexity of structure causes communication barriers.
Some organization barriers are –
a) Long chain of command
b) Negative attitude in the work place
c) Improper channel of communication.
5) Interpersonal Barriers: Tastes, habits, attitudes, and preferences might differ from individual to individual. These differences might become a reason for a gap in communication. These barriers bring out limitations in the process of communication and might hinder the growth of an individual’s as well as an organization.
Some interpersonal barriers are:-
(a) Culture differences: People belonging to different cultures have different food habits, tastes and preferences. They might not want to interact with people from other cultures and this might deter the process of communication.
(b) Individual differences: No two people are similar. They are different in their thoughts, attitudes and personality. Due to these individual differences people might not feel comfortable and compatible with each other resulting into miscommunication. Some reasons for individual differences are:-
(c) Emotions & feelings
(d) Listening skills
(e) Noise, distraction and disturbance
Overcoming Barriers to Communication
Methods to overcome Barrier
1.Make suitable seating arrangement
2. Ensure audibility and visibility.
3. Provide environmental comfort.
4. Maintain proper posture and good health.
1.Support decision Making
2.Develop trust and confidence
3. Direct it to a purpose.
4.Call attention and motivate the listener.
1.Use simple and precise language
2.Use less verbalism
3.Avoid ambiguous and abstract words
4.Employ different methods of communication.
1. Make it a two way process.
2. Establish feedback system.
3. Avoid unnecessary information.
4. Purposeful communication.
1. Clarity in emotional expression.
2. Explain the importance of message.
3. Prefer positive attitude.
4.Attentive listening with full concentration.
Language as a tool of communication
Written communication is entirely dependent on language as the means of communication, all those rules of using words correctly and beautifully that we have been learning since the beginning of our education must be observed by us. This will include the vocabulary, grammar, syntax, punctuation and style.
While in written verbal communication correct spellings, accent, pronunciation, intonation, rhythm are also desirable. The written, verbal communication includes a study of the language, and of the art of report writing, proposal writing and letter writings etc.
1. Simple Diction: A proper choice of words is to be made. Preference for bombastic vocabulary and jargon hardly add to the communication value of any expression. One should use the familiar words and make one’s self intelligible rather than enigmatic. Similarly, the use of foreign words should be avoided.
2. Short Sentences: Purpose of communication is not served by making our statements vague or ambiguous. Sentences should not be so round about as to confuse the reader or the listener or to produce unnecessary strain upon his mind.
It is always advisable to use short sentences. Active voice rather than passive voice should be used. A concrete expression leads to better comprehension than does the abstract term.
3. Order: A logical ordering of ideas is also very important. System and sequence introduce neatness in all kinds of activity. Putting the cart before the horse obstructs all progress. One ought to proceed from point to point in a natural order.
4. Punctuation: A judicious use of punctuation can suggest the right tone – Stress, pause, emotion – to the written messages too.
5. Objectivity: It always raises the level of communication if the cultural, religious background of the listener is respected. One should avoid even an indirect reference to caste etc. that smacks of prejudice and impedes the desirable response from the hurt listener.
6. Non-Verbal Aids: Visual and non-visual aids, such as graphs, charts, tables, and figures, can improve the quality of written communication. These help the sender to be vivid, and the receiver to comprehend easily and precisely.
A Professional should care not only about the verbal aspects of communication but also about the mechanical means used to convey the information. He should select the most suitable technique to carry his message to the person with whom he is communicating.
Medias of communication
Written Communication: includes letters, circulars, memos, e-mails, faxes, telegrams, reports, minutes, forms and questionnaires, manuals etc. Everything that has to be written and transmitted in written form falls in the areas of written communication.
Oral communication: Includes face-to-face conversation, conversation over the telephone, radio broadcasts, interviews, group discussions, meetings, conferences and seminars, announcements over the public address system, speeches etc.
Visual communication: encompasses video conferences television and cinema films that combine the visual impact with narration.
Audio-Visual communication: It encompasses video conference, television & cinema, films that combine the visual impact with narration.
Computer-based communication: It includes Internet, E-mail, voice mail, cellular phones, fax etc.
4) Importance of communication:-
As we all know we are living in a globalised world where we need to communicate with one another to share innovations, inventions and discoveries. Communication gives us ample opportunity to progress together because technocrats can share their views with one another for apt. progress.
Communication is a significant credential for a person who is dealing with different people for trade, knowledge etc.
It is an interaction that makes you a perfect person in front of others because when you communicate you present your caliber and the next person do gets an idea about your potential .
Communication can solve various issues, misunderstanding etc.
Communication is the essence of any organization as it is extremely important in our personal and professional life .
It helps people develop harmonious relationship with one another and helps avoid confusion and stress.
It helps in maintaining the goodwill of the organization and increases efficiency and effectiveness among the employees.
It plays a vital role in any organization be it a business enterprise, industry or educational institution.
The growth and success of an organization depends upon the quality of information flowing through communication.
All managerial, administrative, or business activities involve communication, be it planning, coordinating, organizing or decision making. Hence, communication in an integral part of the function of an organization.
1. Importance of communication to Business:
It is said that businessman has good communication skills in order to expand their organization. Effective communications skills help develop strong relationships among the various stakeholders in a business, which in turn benefits the organization as well as the individual.
Good communication skills will help one to know how to deal with the customers, suppliers, creditors, competitors and even with the staff or employees. In small scale businesses, the customers can be retained through appropriate and timely communication.
2. Importance of communication to management :
The success of any organization depends upon the relationship of the management with the employees. As the management intends to active desired goal, it should take great care of the needs of its communication skills.
These skills help the management to maintain, harmonious and positive relationship with the employees and they in turn work together without any complaints and grievances to achieve the common goal.
Communication helps the management to improve their skills in decision making, planning, controlling and coordination.
Communication also helps in the growth of the business which leads to the development of a congenial atmosphere within the organization. The grapevine provides feedback to the management which in turn enables the organization and its activities. Formal communication also helps the management to increase the efficiency of the employees which leads to the growth of the organization as a whole.
3. Importance of communication to employees:
Communication skills are the most important key for promotion of the executives. This quality is ranked higher than many other essential qualities such as professional qualification and leadership.
Effective communication skills help the employees to attain a desired objective. It takes the employees to the heights of success.
One should know what to say, and how to say it front of the management, colleagues as well as specialists. Through effective communication the management can be convinced of achieving the desired goal.
4) Importance of communication to professionals :
With the advancement of new technologies, communication has emerged as an important tool for every organization. It plays a vital role in getting things done.
It helps professional to communicate well at different levels. It helps them to present their ideas and views in an effective manner. It helps them to become more confident, assertive and impressive. It brings out clarity of thoughts and expressions among professional which benefits them in every possible way.
The success of a professional depends on his ability to analyze, organize and present the message effectively.
New communication skills are introduced which include computer aided communication. Professional should keep themselves updated with the latest innovation which will help them in the changing technological environment.
5) Technical communication
Technical communication is the exchange and transfer of technical and scientific ideas, views and information from one individual or group to another. It includes all the methods, media, network and systems of communication. The main purpose of technical communication is to instruct, inform and persuade.
Technical communication is a set of systems for communicating in a formal and professional manner .It is specialized knowledge as specific information is sent to a specific audience to meet a specific purpose.
One cannot deliver specialized knowledge to the common masses,it should reach the right audience so that it can serve its purpose. Therefore, technical communication helps to develop an appropriate understanding for effective professional functioning.
6) Importance of Technical Communication :
Technical communication helps individual interact with each other and also provides guidance to professionals by transmitting information and knowledge through a suitable medium.
Technical communication helps foster positive attitudes within the individual, which helps in maintaining professional relationship.
One should not only know how to write but should also be adept in analyzing, organizing and presenting the information.
One’s knowledge is useless, unless one knows how to express the maximum information through minimum words. Technical communication is of great relevance for an individual or an organization.
Whether one is an executive, or an engineer or a technical student, one must possess good oral and written technical communication skills to be successful.
7) Technical communication of two types:-
(a) Technical oral communication :
Technical oral communication takes place in the form of seminars, papers presentations and reports. This form of communication is an essential part of every organization.
It requires one to be competent in the use of language as well as in the use of expressions. Non- verbal mannerisms that also be considered as important as verbal communication. One should be aware of accent, intonation, and body language.
(b) Technical written communication:
Technical written communication is one of the most indispensable tool of every organization. It is the essence of effective management. It is found in various forms such as technical reports, technical proposals, scientific articles, memos, notices and technical papers.
It also includes all official documents issued by the superior to the subordinates or from the juniors to the seniors. One should be aware various forms of technical writing for effective communication.
One should take care of accuracy or exactness while writing. Any kind of mistake will lead to confusion and doubt and thus reduce effectiveness.
Clarity of thoughts and expressions is also very important. Emphasis should be given on vocabulary, spelling and sentence structure. One should write in a brief but comprehensive manner.
8) Differences between General Communication and Technical Communication :
General Communication
Technical Communication
1- 1. General content
Technical content
2- 2. General vocabulary
Specialized vocabulary
3- 3.No Formal elements
Formal elements
4- 4. Both formal and informal in style
Always formal in style
5- 5. May not be factual
Always factual
6- 6. Both Objective and subjective
Always objective
7- 7. Not always structured
Logically organized and structure
8- 8. No specific exposition techniques
Complex and important exposition techniques.
9- 9. Not always for a specific audience
Specific audience
10. May not involve graphics or technical vocabulary
Usually involves graphics and jargons
9) Differences between General Writing and Technical Writing.
General writing
Technical writing
1 It can have artistic, aesthetic and rhetorical.
It has purely practical motives.
2. It amuses, inspires and educates.
It informs, instructs and persuades.
3- It can be an affair of the heart.
It involves intellect.
4- It can use emotions and fancy.
It deals with facts.
5- It can be vague, suggestive, equivocal, very plain or elite in diction.
It must choose the common and accurate words though these may be jargon to a layman.
6- It can be expansive, inflated and round about.
It must be precise and direct.
7- It can be so personal that the expression of the personality of the author makes everything else irrelevant.
It is always impersonal, even if it expresses an individual’s opinion on a subject
8- A story can begin at the end and tell the rest of it in a flash back. An essay can began with a starting statement and introduce the theme after having produced the desired effect.
In it matter is arranged logically, and the arrangement of ideas follows a rational system.
9- It relates to society in general and mirrors the society as a whole.
It relates two professions and mirrors the business, trade, industry, technology and science.
10. It is literally and generic.
It is scientific and specific.
11. It is concerned with literary journals, daily news papers and books on various subjects.
Technical writing is concerned with drafting of documents- reports, notices, letters, memos and proposals.
12. It is done by good will, reformation zeal and cultural upliftment.
It has occupational interest and profit motive.
13. Its scope is wider and touches every walk of life.
The scope of technical writing is limited to the particular business or field.
14. The style of general writing relates to a particular person and carries the impression of their personality of those responsible for shaping it.
The style and laws of technical writing being scientific are universal are of everlasting value.
15. It can be emotional, subjective, superfluous and rhetorical.
It is rational, logical and objective.
Some Do’s and Don’ts of Technical Writing:
Ornament, gaudiness
Obscurity, ambiguity
Vagueness, bombast
Discipline and order
Preplanning and arrangement
License and waywardness
Extemporization and eccentricity
Active Voice
Personal feeling
Passive voice
10) Computer aided technical communication :
Email: We can send and store valuable information via email. The message can be sent to a number of people at the sometime at very little cost.
Instant Message: In case urgency, instant messages are sent to the receiver, but this type of communication can be intrusive and distracting.
Intranet: It is an organization wide information network. It helps to convey information within the organization. This network connects all the employees within the organization.
Extranet: This information network connects employees with external suppliers, customers and strategic partners.
Video conferencing: This method is in vogue now a days. It helps people to discuss, talk and communicates with each other through video links. Individuals in different parks of the world can discuss the same topic at the same time. It is an extension of an intranet or extranet that permits face-to-face virtual meeting via a video link.
11) Style in technical communication :
Style plays a vital role in effective communication. The word style refers to a distinctive manner or way of writing or speaking.
It is a way of presenting oneself or expressing an idea in written or spoken form. Therefore one must be careful in choosing the most appropriate style for presenting the ideas.
If it is in the spoken form, one should consider the subject matter, tone, non-verbal mannerism and most importantly.
The audience while speaking to a lay person one should speak in a simple but tactful way, while when speaking to an expert, one must be direct but refined in his manner of speaking. Style in technical communication depends upon:
Subject matter
Subject matter is an integral part of technical communication. One should adapt one’s style according to the content that has to be communicated, the style of conveying day-to-day information, placing an order, or presenting a plan will all be different.
The audience as well as the purpose of communication determines the style.A careful analysis of the audience is very important. The purpose of communication should also be considered while adopting the style in technical communication.
Style in technical writing is the way of presenting the ideas in the written form. One must be careful while putting the words into sentences, and arranging the sentences into paragraphs. One should choose appropriate words and sentence structure for effective communication.
12) Features of technical writing :
1. Accuracy :
Accuracy plays an important role in successful technical communication. There should be accuracy of communicative context as well as accuracy of presentation.
One should be careful about the accuracy of content and subject matter. Any kind of factual error will cause one to doubt the reliability of the content. This will hamper effective communication.
It emphasis on expression of one’s ideas in written or in spoken form.
On has to be careful about one’s pronunciation, accent, tone and non-verbal mannerism in technical oral communication, while in technical written communication, one should avoid errors in grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and sentence structure.
2. Brevity : To be brief is one of the essential factors of technical communication. The message conveyed should be short.
The maximum information should be conveyed in minimum words for effective technical communication. Therefore, technical communication should be brief but comprehensive in nature.
3. Clarity :
This signifies the quality of being clear and unambiguous. Effective communication depends upon clarity. A clear and direct message can be easily understood, therefore saving time.
Clarity includes clarity of thought as well as clarity of presentation.
In order to achieve clarity in technical writing, we should avoid using ambiguous words or sentences. Direct, simple and specific words or sentences should be used.
4. Factual content :
Facts are an important part of technical communication. They invest the information with credibility.
The communication should try to include, relevant data to make the communication more reliable, effective and authentic.
In technical communication, data should be presented in quantitative terms than verbose qualitative terms.
5. Objectivity :
This is an essential feature of technical communication. Technical communication should aim at achieving objectivity.
It implies keeping personal views, opinions, attitudes and emotions out of the purview of communication. It denotes being to the point and avoiding verbose, long-winded descriptions.
Too many adjectives and superlatives are to be avoided. It should not contain unnecessary details and sentiments which are merely time consuming. Technical communication is based on facts, on focuses and specific content