Organization structure is the form of an organization that is evident in the way divisions, departments, functions, and people link together and interact. Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities, and horizontal linkages, and may be represented by an organization chart. The complexity of an organization’s structure is often proportional to its size and its geographic dispersal.
Business Situation Regarding Spectrum Brand
The sections below pretend reference to the above business situation.
How To Organize Spectrum Brands Using A Matrix Structure
The matrix structure groups employees by both function and product. This structure is based on multiple employee reporting structures. It emphasizes both vertical organizational hierarchy and horizontal relationships. In other words, any employee within a matrix organization reports upwards to functional managers and, based on geographic requirements, may also report sideways to project managers. In this arrangement, employees are responsible to two managers- functional and project managers (O.C, Geoffrey & Linda, 2009).
Employees can be in one department and report to functional manager, but these same employees may be assigned to different projects and report to a project manager while working on that project. Therefore, each employee may have to work under several managers to get their job done.
How To Organize Spectrum Brands Using Multidivisional Structure
The multidivisional structure of Spectrum Brands can be broken down into three areas: product, market, and geographic. These are summarized as follows:
Product structure: Each product division contains the functions necessary to that specific good. Product structure groups’ employee together based upon specific products produced by the