Dialog Axiata PLC
Dialog Axiata PLC, an ISO 9001 certified company, is a subsidiary of Axiata Group Berhad. The company operates 2.5G and 3/3.5G Mobile Communications networks supporting the very latest in multimedia and mobile Internet services. Dialog has the distinction of being the first 3G operator in South Asia to commence commercial operations. Its local coverage spans all provinces of Sri Lanka, while international roaming is provided in over 200 destinations. Dialog Axiata, the largest and fastest growing cellular service in Sri Lanka also operates Dialog Television a direct-to-home satellite TV service and Dialog Broadband
Network – providing backbone and transmission infrastructure facilities and data communication services, serving a subscriber base in excess of 7 million Sri Lankans.
Dialog Mobile
Dialog TV
Dialog Broadband Networks
Dialog Global
AXIATA Group Berhad
AXIATA, previously TMI, is one of the largest Asian telecommunication companies, focused in high growth low penetration emerging markets. AXIATA has a controlling interest in Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka,
Bangladesh and Cambodia with significant strategic stakes in India and Singapore. The Group’s mobile subsidiaries and associates operate under the brand name ‘Celcom’ in Malaysia, ‘XL’ in Indonesia, ‘Dialog’ in Sri Lanka, ‘AKTEL’ in Bangladesh, ‘HELLO’ in Cambodia, ‘Idea’ and ‘Spice’ in India, ‘M1’ in Singapore and
‘MTCE’ in Iran (Esfahan).
To be the undisputed leader in the provision of multi-sensory connectivity resulting always, in the empowerment and enrichment of Sri Lankan lives and enterprises.
To lead in the provision of technology enabled connectivity touching multiple human sensors and faculties, through committed adherence to customer-driven, responsive and flexible business processes, and through the delivery of quality service and leading edge technology unparalleled by any other, spurred by