Diliman, Quezon City
Course Code
Course Title MOB
Course Credit 3 Units
Name: ___________________________________________ Course & Year __________________
Quiz/ Score: ___________ Time/Day_________________ Date: _____________________
True or False
1. The information-processing stages of the perceptual process are divided into information attention and selection, organization of information, information interpretation, and information retrieval.
2. Selective screening lets in only a tiny portion of all of the information available.
3. Controlled processing occurs when a person consciously decides what information to pay attention to and what information to ignore.
4. Selective screening occurs only through conscious awareness.
5. Schemas are cognitive frameworks that represent organized knowledge about a given concept or stimulus developed through experience.
6. A self schema contains information about a person’s own appearance, behavior, and personality.
7. Impersonal schemas refer to the way individuals divide others into categories, such as types or groups, in terms of similar perceived features.
8. The term prototype, or stereotype, is often used to represent the categories formed by person schemas.
9. A prototype, or stereotype, is an abstract set of features commonly associated with members of a particular category.
10. A script schema is defined as a knowledge framework that describes the appropriate sequence of events in a given situation.
11. A person-in-situation schema is defined as a knowledge framework that describes the appropriate sequence of events in a given situation.
12. Script schemas combine schemas built around persons and events.
13. Schemas rely heavily on automatic processing for freeing people up to use controlled processing as necessary.
14. Once your attention has been drawn to