A manager has to have the capabilities to make decisions, recognise problems and take appropriate actions to benefit their business. To achieve this they have to follow the process of management, which involves the four main functions of a managers ability to manage to plan, to organise, and to control the use of resources and to lead the team to achieve defined goals (Schermerhorn, J. et al.). The modern work force is knowledge driven, performance driven and in turn needs knowledgeable, skilled workers whose abilities can work in the best interest of the company and who places great value on their intellectual strengths.
With the different level of management the type of skill or ability and/or the level of knowledge required and the percentage proportion of each skill will vary within each of the categories. For example a top level manager, requires more conceptual based skills and knowledge for solving problems, innovate and critique within their division and will demand a higher need for certain skills than those is the position such as the lower level managers
(Schermerhorn, J. et al.). For the low level managers, their technical skills, often the physical construction and production of the end product will be of greater need. The need for human skills required by middle management probably exceeds