Management is a far-running subject and there are many definitions of management. From my point of view, management is described as a process to get something done in the business environment. It is the person called Manager who gets various jobs done by assign works to people working with him/her. How the Manager can get the things done effectively and efficiently is an important problem that should be researched. Robert Tannenbaum and Warren H. Schmidt (1958, 1973), who argued that the style of leadership is dependent upon the prevailing circumstance, therefore leaders should exercise a range of management styles and deploy them as appropriate. In fact, a management style is an overall method of leadership used by a manager. Managers should be able to understand the concept of management styles which are characteristic ways relating to subordinates in different situations. In this essay, management styles and how they demonstrated in different cultures will be addressed. Also, the factors that affect the formation of such characteristic management styles will also be discussed. The aim of this essay is to provide some suggestions for managers in international companies with regard to the area of management in a foreign culture background.
There are two sharply contrasting styles: Autocratic and Permissive. Furthermore, these two categories are broken down into smaller subsets, which I will not discuss in detail in this essay. Each of the two styles has its own characteristics. “Autocratic” means that Manager makes all decisions unilaterally, while “Permissive” means Manager permits subordinates to take part in decision making and also managers prefer to gives subordinates a considerable degree of autonomy in completing routine work activities. Although it may sound better to conduct a permissive manage style which might stimulate the employees to engage more into their job since they are also invited to take certain responsibility of the