Tina Whittington
October 31, 2013
Carey Driscoll Rogers
Managers and their subordinates
Manager’s should make sure that any activity they have with any employee is always active, and a positive experience for both them and they employee, with this kind of upbeat experience the atmosphere with in the office will always be pleasant, which makes for a positive place to work. For some reason there are those managers that kind of stray away from their employees and in turn those employees get upset. Then they start to feel as if they are being taking for granted or they just plainly are not quite sure what it is they are suppose to be doing or how they are measuring up to the job at hand, however, a manager who takes the time to put forth the encouragement that their employees need and gives them constructive criticism when it’s needed. It allows the employee to get a better understanding of the work that needs to be done, which gives them the feeling that they are appreciated for all the time and effort. For example: a manager can encourage their employees weekly, by informing them that their paper work they handed in on Friday was superior and to keep up the good work they are doing. However, if the manager never encourages the employee, then they may feel as if the doing paper work is a never ending job, which will lead to disencouragement on the employees part, which will also lead to not wanting to complete their job assignments. When an employee is told by their manager they are doing a wonderful job, they make it a daily routine to keep getting compliments by their manager, because that means you are being noticed for your hard work.
Kettner, P., Allyn & Bacon (2002). Achieving excellence in the management of human service organizations. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
References: Kettner, P., Allyn & Bacon (2002). Achieving excellence in the management of human service organizations. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.